We’re alive!
What’s up guys and gals! It’s time for us to start letting you guys know what we’ve been working on for Woven shadows and give yah some previews as to what projects are in the making. So let’s kick this weekly dev log off right with some fun pics!
From the Design Team: Evan, Soige and Alex
Evan and Soige have been hard at work in getting a bunch of new props ready to beautify the environment. Here’s some of their work :D
Just a small (poorly lighted) preview of some of the props they’ve created recently.
A classic school poster right?
And everyone’s favorite window!
Also the main antagonist is being worked on in heavy detail right now by Alex in the animation department, we won’t post any pictures of him just yet. You should be content with the shadow for now :D
From the Programming Team: Typho and Noah
We’ve been busy developing some of the interactability with the scene and on death rewinding. You can now pick up objects, drop or throw them, and pretty soon will be able to rotate them as well. Doors are also openable with an animation developed by Noah, who is also working on some realistic flashlight bobbing to remove the very static flashlight. Rewinding time on death is currently a working concept, however we need to find a way to accurately and efficiently rewind time for any and all objects that were moved in that time frame. Many other objects are in the works, but here’s a picture of how we’re testing the rewind system by using checkpoints. Red is inactive, green is active, and blue is previously active.
In Conclusion…
We are hard at work finishing all the artwork and programming necessary for us to really start getting into creating the actual story and progression. Stay tuned for more weekly updates!