5 months ago

The first proper art piece I made with my drawing tablet. Hope you like it!

(This took almost all day to make-)

: Krita



Next up

For those who haven't seen the time-lapse/process of the winter themed art I made a few days ago.


How is everyone's day? I've been pretty busy setting up my operating system. I recently had gotten Linux Mint but then switched to Linux Arch. I have to say, the performance on Arch is quite fascinating. It's morning right now and it's raining heavily.

Game Jolt, what is this? I don't appreciate this... I wouldn't mind small littler banners of advertisements but uh-

Felt silly today (tags in article! Check these folks out!)


Wow, would you look at that. It's Lina!

Anyways, I don't know how to draw eyes so let's pretend she is sleeping lol.

Software used: Krita

He asked for no pickles >:U

I made this for no reason. Also, recovering from a little fever I caught-

Exams of my final year in high school are very close, around 10-20 days. Gonna be busy for a while!

I'm also learning a bit of C++ because I've been wanting to get back into game development. Wish me luck!

My favourite dysfunctional person <3

Can't believe it's already 2025. 2024 went by really fast, yet it was the most stimulating.

I really appreciate all the support you guys have given me; I wouldn't have made it otherwise.