Hi there new user. Before you get hired, we need to ask you three questions.
1-Who are you
2-Why do you want to work here -
3- How much do you want to get payed -
Great for cooperating with us, you will begin shortly (AKA next line)
Night one: Hello Bambi, I see you got hired for the job and was able to find the warehouse. I was able to get info on you through Joseph, the person who hired you take this job. My name is Josh Heisenberg. My brother nicknamed me Josh from Drake and Josh because he thought it was funny. I found out that you were actually the first nightguard to be hired. You were at every restaurant and now your here. So (Le casually rummages through pages) it turns out that this warehouse also doubles as a factory for these robots as well as lab for testing out unique and special animatronics. Oh right that reminds me, the animatronics! You know that they move already due to the past times you worked as a night guard right? Right? ...right? JUST SAY YES
Bambi: Ok ok I do know, you don't have to yell at me
Josh: SHUT UP AND LISTEN. Ok so we gave you documents about the Alexfancypants animatronic. Apparently, he's what the SCP foundation would call a "Keter class anomaly" with means tonight, he wont be in containment for long so you must lure him to a spot far away from your office and keep close tabs on him all the time with the audio lure because for some reason he finds it nostalgic, OK?
Bambi: Take your anger management pills ok?
Josh: (Gulp) Oh thanks. And also you have 3 panels. The cameral panel is to your left. The vent camera panel is upwards in the center of the room. And the maintenance panel to your right. God damnit the creator doesn't know how to use ,'s properly. So anyways you should be fine dealing with one enemy and I just remembered there are these pop up ads that appear when you use the camera monitor so if you see them just press the X button on the top right corner when these pop ups appear. IDK What happens if you actually press on the pop up but it probably wont be good so just press the X ok? Ok goodnight
Bambi: But I didn't even sa-
6:00 AM, Monday night: Hello Bambi, it's your boss. We need you to go to the gas pipe station, it should be to the left of your office. The task should be easy.
Gas Pipe room: Hey Joseph, are you sure this is the gas pipe room? I can smell trapped farts in here.
Joseph: Gosh darn it, I forgot that farts are technically gases. Someone must've trolled us and kept farting into the pipes. I can't believe someone would make a fart joke in 2022. Try using the gas mask we gave you.
Bambi: Wait, I have a gas mask?
Joseph: You know, toxic chemicals and stuff?
Bambi: Ok but why is there 2 animatronics in here?
Joseph: TWO ANIMATRONICS? Well just use the company taser, should take about 3 seconds to recharge.
Bambi: And if it breaks?
Joseph: It doesn't break except if you drop it, but your not clumsy right? Right?
Bambi: Uh
Joseph: Well then there should be an animatronic reset panel in there, we didn't want anyone to die. So just use that when you drop your taser ok? Great
Bambi: But I didn't say o-
Joseph: Also, when you get to your saferoom we installed in there for employees who have to stay for various days, I want you to make up with Josh and Josh will make up with you, ok? We can't have rivalry in our employee group and we don't want internal fighting, that's what the original motto for employees was when Alexfancypants was in charge.
Bambi: The animatronics were in charge?
Joseph: No not that animatronic, I am talking about the human Sir Alexander Fanciest Pants. He would try to make disagreements in the company non existing for future employees, that was until 1983 on the anniversary of Fancy Man's and MrGold69's Diner when he mysteriously disappeared for no reason. A drunk guy named Alison took in charge for about 4 years until we decided we didn't like him and voted him off in favor for me. I took control but I noticed that the Co-owner Dave was acting strange. I found out that he committed some murders and killed many children. During one of your shifts, I told Dave that he needs to find something in the Safe room for me. Little did he know that I had made an automatic lock that would lock anyone who closed the door in the Safe room. I have no idea what happened to Dave after that but two employees found the lock on the floor and found nothing in the safe room for some reason. The MrGold suit was gone..
Bambi: Uh Joseph, it's almost 6:10 am in 3 minutes
Joseph: Aw crap, gotta go now, thanks for informing me.
Night 2: Hey dude, its Josh. I'm sorry about last night, I just have great anger issues, but I was able to fix it yesterday after I realized there is no reason to be mad at all. I hope you will able to forgive me. So anyways, remember when Joseph made you go to the gas pipe room to fix the pipes? Well he kinda forgot to tell you that when fixing them, you kinda needed to have a direct place to let the gas go into, now the gas will flow everywhere if not repaired. Luckily, we were able to use FUTURISTIC TECHNOLOGY to update your security cams from afar and added a system where you can fix the gas pipes and guess what, you can use the gas as an defense against 1 of the animatronics activating tonight named Alex 2.0 from the planned Brother Location called Alex's Brother Location Mickey D's Gamebanana Place With Animatronics before the lawsuit happened. IDK why the people would make a lawsuit in 1993 which is wayyyyyy after they had already been used in the franchise since 1985 though, and when they aren't even the legal age to be lawsuiting people, I guess foxes take longer to age than regular humans and fox laws are different when it comes to lawsuits. Oh yeah, speaking of foxes, you already know that the fox brothers Green and Gega are here to kill you and cause misery to others. Green is mostly the same as he is at the old location from 1992, but Gega, and Gega is just weird because he is just a mix of Foxy from UCN and Squidward from FNATTK 3 because he constructs himself in the office and will kill you if you don't turn off the lights kinda like his brother when he rushes into your office because we didn't install a door for your office. Goddamn that part would look like random words compiled into one sentence. I hope the reader will be able to understand all of that. If not, I guess the person making this will include a screenshot of every mechanic in this damn series into one google document. Ok so next task for you will be in the arcade cabinet storage room ok? Great. It should be near the kitchen.
Bambi: This place has a kitchen?
Josh: Yeah, the people who made this facility didn't want the employees to starve, so they made a kitchen. Ok goodnight man and I will call you next night
Task 2- 6:00 am
Hey bro, did the gas work?
Bambi: Ye-
Josh: I just wanted to let you know that there is something in the arcade storage room that we can not identify so try to not make any sounds to alert your presence to the creature.
???: Bro it's your mother, make as much noise as you can
Bambi: My mom just told me to make as much noise bro
Josh: What the hell boi? Don't listen to ur mom bro
???: If you know what is best then do what I say
Bambi: OK
Josh: Ok great we are on the same page.
Hangs up*
Bambi: Welp time to make as much noise as possible
*After a while*
Bambi: Woah holy shit is that Mario
Mario?: Hey it's a me a Mario come with me to the 4th dimension
Bambi: Does that exist?
Mario?: I'm Mario, I know what exists.
Bambi: Ok
Mario.EXE: Haha I tricked you now I am sending you to my realm
So yeah anyways
Bambi: *Running away from the EXE's* I did it
Mario.EXE: How could this happen when I'm Mario
???: You failed me *Kills Mario.EXE with all the other EXE's*
Bambi: *Goes through a portal back to the human realm* Few I got away and I was able to fix the generator now. Idk how I was able to tell the generator was broke-
Josh: Hey bro, did you fix it.
Bambi: Yes
Josh: GREAT you fixed the water leak that caused the generator to break.
Bambi: Wait wha-
6:10 AM Nightshift is over!
Night 3: Hey dude you suck and- WAIT WRONG PERSON sorry. Look, I don't feel like explaining everything so I made an Holo-Doc to explain everything for you. Here you go dude:

(here's the doc link if you want to see it in its full entirety https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EpbQSdg5iqpdLuYpEZ90sA2WQ_dUokFxHB6PfSR4QzM/edit?usp=sharing)
I hope you got all of that information. So uh, I want to tell you something very important. The reason that you are here is that there were children who died and possessed the animatronics. We hired you because you were an employee at every location. We had you do minor tasks like fix the generator or repair the pipes. Now I'm asking you to do something very important so listen carefully: Find Officer Yeitonette and bring the spirit inside him back to his senses. This will be important because he can help us free those souls in the animatronics. I'm gonna warn you though, another animatronic is blocking the path of where you can find Officer Yeitonette. I'm sure you know who from the Holo-Doc. Now I'm gonna tell you one more thing before I go. Not every animatronic is possessed by a spirit so don't try to save everyone but only the animatronic we tell you to. Ok goodbye and hope you have a good ni- oh right, your in a place with killer animatronics.
Task 3- Hey Bambi, it's Joseph, I think Josh explained what your task is for tonight. Now where Officer Yeitonette is wasn't explained to you, right?
Bambi: Yeah he kinda said to find him and not where to find him.
Joseph: Ok, he is in what's called the animatronic storage room. It should be near where the kitchen is as well. Just take a left and just go straight and you will find the storage room. If the animatronic appears, use your taser on it.
Bambi: Ok goodnight
Joseph: Goodnight bro *Hangs up*
Bambi: Ok, now to find this Yeitonette guy
*After a while*
Bambi: *Takes out taser* I think there's something here with me. Just gotta make sure-
Scrap Kangle suddenly appears from the darkness
Bambi: SHIT *Fires taser at Kangle*
Scrap Kangle: *Gets damaged but doesn't deactivate fully* HAHA
Bambi: Oh shoot *Starts running as every head on Scrap Kangle appears and Kangle gives chase*
*After a lengthy chase sequence*
Bambi: *Closes a door on Scrap Kangle*
Scrap Kangle is trapped under the door but not fully out yet
Bambi: *Grabs a taser and shoots at one of Kangles' head*
One of Scrap Kangles' heads retreat and Bambi realizes a way to defeat Kangle
*After a boss battle*
Scrap Kangle: *Short Circuits and the door fully closes on Kangle, destroying Scrap Kangle*
A soul is then heard exiting Kangle
Bambi: *Huffing and puffing* Thank god it's over, now to find Ye-
Officer Yeitonette: *Attacks Bambi, knocking him out*
Inside Bambi's mind, he hears a voice
"I'm sorry for attacking you, I thought you were him. For some reason, I only see humans as him. He hadn't killed me directly, but I had seen him kill someone, and I wanted to avenge that child's death by killing him. Please wake up"
Night 4: Hello dude and- OMG BETSIE STOP EATING MY SHOES. BAD GIRL. Sorry, my dog is being rowdy. Her name is Betsie. So anyways, the final thing you need to do is to find possessed animatronics and have the Yeitonette put their souls to rest. I have to warn you though, there’s some animatronics that aren’t possessed and want you gone, including the new threats that you will be facing in your office tonight. It’s all of them. Be careful and follow my advice in the Holo-doc. Take some risks but not too many. Ok good ni- BETSIE STOP TRYING TO EAT THE DAMN PHONE CORD. THAT’S IT! YOU MADE ME DO THIS!! *Shoots Betsie*. Ok goodnight bro. You will have to come in tomorrow. We will see you tomorrow. We are going to put this place to rest, I promise.
Task 4: Hey Bambi, slight change of plans. You will have to find Yeitonette again and then find the possessed animatronics. Yeitonette is acting up and you will have to use the taser on him. He will understand why you shocked him so no need to explain.
Bambi: Hey wait, why do I have to save the children if they tried to kill me before? Does that mean that they are also villains as will?
Joseph: UHHHHH Just save them and they will be kind to you.
Bambi: Ok.
Joseph: Ok now go find Yeitonette and save them kids!
Bambi: YEAH!!!!!!!
After a while*
Bambi: Shocks Yeitonette* Sorry
Yeitonette: MF you didn’t need to do that you know what I was gonna give you these flowers as an apology for knocking you out but you just do that and now I’m gonna destroy them for you being a MF you bitch you shithead.
Bambi: Ok now help me unpossess the haunted animatronics
Yeitonette: Here’s the thing: I kinda forgor who I led the ghosts to possess.
Bambi: Ok I guess we will have to use my ghost detector and find out who.
*First soul*
Matt: Thank you, savior. It was my birthday. I wanted to have fun in the arcade at the 2nd location but most of the games didn’t intrigue me. A guy in a yellow suit came up to me and told me that he knew of a secret arcade game hidden in the back. I followed him to play this game but I never played games after that. You freed me. Thank you *fades away*
*Second soul*
Maria: I didn’t expect you to free me, savior. I was at the 3rd location for my best friend's party. A man in a yellow suit promised to show us how the pizza is made. Instead he took us to another room. There was no food, instead suits, and he forced me and my friend into them. Please free my friend next. He’s in Human. *fades away*
*On the way there*
Bambi: Something smells stanky like a rotting corpse.
Yeitonette: The children have been stuffed inside the suits so of course they smell bad.
Bambi: No I mean like an adult has been rotting in here for like 2 decades
Yeitonette: Well there have been the adults who wander here trying to keep the place in ok conditions but an animatronic thought he was trespassing and… well I think you know what happens next.
Bambi: No I don’t please tell me what happens.
Yeitonette: They died
Bambi: Well shit
Hat kid appears
Bambi: Oh… WAIT OH SHIT *Shocks her and leaves*
*Third Soul*
Lukas: Hi, ok bye *fades away*
*Fourth Soul*
Saul: Hi I’m Saul Goodman. Did you know you have right? The constitution says you do. And so do I. I believe that until proven guilty, every man, woman, and child in this country is innocent. And that is why I fight for you, Albuquerque! Better call Saul. Saul Goodman, attorney. *fades away*
*Fifth Soul*
Peter: Hey Lois, I’m in FNAF *fades away*
Yeitonette: Now all of the souls are saved, there’s just one last thing preventing me from passing on with them… the murderer.
Bambi: You mean… he’s still alive?
Yeitonette: Yeah he’s out there, somewhere. Anyways good luck on your final night.
Bambi: Ok goodnight
Night 4 ends, but something else lurks in the dark
Night 5/ FINAL NIGHT: Hey dude this night is very hard so be careful and try to make little mistakes because the animatronics are gonna get very aggressive tonight. I’m here at the entrance to pick you up after your shift is done. Be safe and- Wait, Alex? Oh shit no don’t do it. No no no no no NO NO NOO- *jumpscare, then static*
Bambi: Josh? Josh? Are you there? Can you hear me? Josh, Josh? Hello?
*After a while, night 5 finally en-
Wait, is that clock ticking backwards? It’s back at 12 AM. Well, guess your shift starts again. Be ready*
₦ł₲Ⱨ₮ 5: Ha ha ha ha ha, hello Bambi. That’s what your little friends, Josh and Joseph, called you. Oh that’s right, no more calls from them. They are dead, FOREVER! I killed them, and now, it’s your turn. I will finally escape this dreaded suit once and for all and end this damn company's legacy. There won’t be too many threats for tonight. Alex has had a little change which makes him not react to your little audio tool anymore. In fact, it’s gone. But to make it even more satisfying to kill you afterwards, I have given you a way to defend yourself. Just simply hide from him under your little desk and he’ll be gone. I also disabled the gas so you can no longer use it. But to make things a little more interesting, I added a new pet. Do you like them? They’re in your office right now. It’s a new animatronic I call the amalgamation. It gets its name due to it being made of some other animatronics you faced. They do not like it when you make little to no noise because they can’t see properly so they won’t be able to know where you are in the room so they can kill you. Oh yeah, there’s one more friend named Golden Alex. It looks like Fancy Man from the early days. Oh how I loved the golden memories there. Yet it all came crashing down when a car crash at that place killed my beloved son. They let him DIE. NOW I WILL FINALLY MAKE THEM SUFFER HOW I DID! Good night, cause you won’t witness another one.
*6 AM, the nightmare night is finally over*
Bambi: *Running from the office* I can’t believe it, my friends, they died. That damn murderer. He will pay.
Yeitonette: That guy was Dave.
Bambi: Dave? My missing friend? I thought he died.
Yeitonette: Well looks like he lived in his favorite suit, MrGold, All along. Let’s make him pay.
Bambi: But how? He is really smart and strong too. That’s the worst enemy to face.
Yeitonette: Yeah but that doesn’t mean we can try to defeat him. Come on, let’s go.
*Goes to the entrance*
Bambi: Oh my god, he didn’t just kill him. He killed them gruesomely. I mean look at them. He sliced off Josh’s head and replaced it with a spare Alex head and took 2 springlock hands and legs and put them on Joseph with the springlocks on. We need to kill Dave now or else we might end up as gruesome as them.
Dave: Oh look who finally decided to show up, and you brought a friend as well. Perfect. Just two more victims added to the growing list of Alexfancypants’ deaths.
Bambi: We’re here to kill you Dave. We know what you did and you will pay *rips off sleeves* and I’m not gonna die easily so bring it, metal skeleton.
Dave: Am I supposed to be insulted by that? I actually enjoy having a metal skeleton but I do miss my old skeleton so yours will be a good replacement. *Takes out knife* This will be easy.
*Suddenly everything turns pixel as a boss battle starts*
Dave: You can always retreat now if you like.
Bambi: NEVER!!!!
Bambi punches Dave, depriving 5 health from him
Officer Yeitonette shields dave, increasing 30 defense
Goldtrap slices Bambi, depriving 1 health from him
Bambi uppercuts Dave, depriving 10 help from him while depriving 5 health from Bambi in return
Officer Yeitonette curses Dave for 3 rounds, decreasing 50 luck from him
Dave: Ok this is a little bit unfair, I think I need some friends as well *Calls for Boyfriend and Girlfriend* I’ll rest here for a bit while you two attack them and I expect you to KILL them or else I’ll dismantle you bit by BIT.
Goldtrap leaves the battle
In his place, BF and GF have came
Bambi: Hey what’s this?
Bambi has found a metal pipe in his back pocket. Who knows what else is in there? Anyways, use the pipe as a weapon.
BF sings a lullaby to both Bambi and Yeitonette, dropping their defenses down by 30 percent
GF sets her speaker to max, depriving Bambi of 20 health
Bambi swings his pipe at BF and GF, depriving them of 30 health
Yeitonette realizes that this is boring and just skips to the part where they defeat BF and GF
Dave: What? You can just do that? Impossible? Alex, avenge your parents’ death
Alexmatronic comes along and brings Bambi out of the 2d pixel battle
Alex: *smashes Bambi’s head on the wall and drags him across the wall before throwing him down on the floor then picking him up and then throwing at a wall before running into him and through many walls before grabbing Bambi again and punching him onto the ground and then kicking him into it.*
Bambi: Shit, guess this is the end of me.
*But it isn’t the end of him. Why would I bring you up to this point just to kill our main character off like that, right? Why would you even read this for disappointment? Wake up Bambi, your story isn’t over yet.*
Bambi: Oh looks like this is the afterlife. I didn’t expect it to look so… empty. Is this where I even enter heaven or hell?
???: Wrong. You are not dead. You just entered the void. This place was the original thing that existed before everything. Before creation, this is what was the nothingness that existed before. When something existed, this place was now a thing in between. In between realms, this is the place that exists. You have been here before. Do you remember your second shift here? How you suddenly were transported by a Mario lookalike? He was meant to bring you to me. But instead, he didn’t. I am the key to stopping the darkness that has cursed this fran-
Bambi: Can you skip to the part where you finished revealing the lore up to this point?
???: I am struggling to decide either to kill you or to not kill you right now. Anyways, I was just playing Dave’s game when I appeared when the night reset. I wanted to find you and help you put an end to this. I am-
Bambi: Golden Alex, I already know who you are. You are an apparition that has appeared in every location except Fancy Man Family Friendly Best 10/10 Superior to Chuck E Cheese Pizza Time Theater Diner. You may also be related to Alex in the sense that you are like a flip version of him. No need of explaining.
Golden Alex: Ok fine I am Golden Alex but I am also the manifestation of Dave’s grief in the sense that after his son died, he went through the 5 stages of grief but hasn’t fully recovered afterward and has since become a psychopath because of it.
Bambi: Wow
Golden Alex: Ok but first, before we defeat Dave, we must find Alexfancypants’ spirit. Yes, the guy that went missing. He died. His corpse lies under the warehouse and we must find it
Bambi: Who’s we?
Golden Alex: I’m seriously gonna kill you
Bambi: OK fine let's find Alex’s corpse but let's be quick because I have another friend and he might die.
*After a while*
Bambi: Oh my god *Finishes digging* It's Alex. But where’s his soul?
Alexfancypants: *Appears* Hello there young ones.
Bambi: I’m not young, I’m just short
Alexfancypants: Ehh looks young to me. Look, I’ve been dead for like 40 years now which makes me 100 years old so if you’re looking to avenge my death, just don’t cause I got over it.
Bambi: I’m actually here to avenge my friend's death and I need your help.
Alexfancypants: Fine, I’m interested. Tell me the details
Bambi: I need you to combine your soul with your animatronics golden counterpart. Can you do that?
Alexfancypants: I mean, I could try to if I guess I’ll be alive afterwards.
Bambi: I don’t think you will come back + your bodies basically a skeleton at this point so I don’t think if you came back to life then the public will like you and kill you.
Alexfancypants: Maybe I could like get a new body
Bambi: Just combine souls already
Alexfancypants: Ok fine
*Alexfancypants and Golden Alex combine souls to make… AlexGoldenPants*
AlexGoldenPants: So where's the killer?
Bambi: This way!
*Back to the entrance*
Dave: Damn, a puppet can really survive longer than the average human.
Bambi: I’m not average and neither is this guy
AlexGoldenPants: Yeah and now I’m gonna beat you up!
Dave: Oh come on, who else is coming, Sharty the Shitbear?
Sharty the Shitbear: *Sad noise then self destruct*
Dave: Ok fine Alex go beat this imposter of you up
Alexmatronic: *Runs towards AlexGoldenPants*
AlexGoldenPants: *Picks up Alexmatronic like a toy and then throws him at the wall* Ha, easy.
Alexmatronic: *Slows himself down, then picks up a random Endo and throws it at AlexGoldenPants*
AlexGoldenPants: *Punches the endo and makes it explode* This is supposed to be a challenge? He isn’t even-
Alexmatronic: *Punches AlexGoldenPants but AlexGoldenPants retaliates and punches Alexmatronic harder*
AlexGoldenPants: You got me there, I’ll admit it. *Kicks Alexmatronic into Goldtrap/Dave*
Dave: Damn you! Other animatronics, go and get Bambi and Yeitonette and kill them, NOW!!
*The full gang shows up and attempts to kill Bambi and Yeitonette*
AlexGoldenPants: This won’t be a challenge… I think… Yeah no it won’t! *Does a golden blast through Scrap Deafplayer and Puppycat then takes out Hat Kid then rips out her endoskeleton and uses it as a weapon to kill King R and REVENGE then kills Ski using Rosemary’s utterly destroyed sword and then throws that sword into Charlythedoggo1987’s chest and then smashing Spunchbob’s head inward before using him as a weapon to destroy Evil Otto and then destroys a bunch of endo’s before destroying the Amalgamation*
Dave: Ok I gotta admit, that was pretty badass. But I don’t think he will find it a challenge to kill you.
Alexmatronic: *Gets up and grabs AlexGoldenPants’ throat and then throws him at Bambi and Yeitonette*
Dave: You're more useful now that I fully upgraded you to your fullest extent.
Bambi: Joseph said that he trapped you and that you would never come back… How did you come back?
Dave: His lock that he bought was very faulty. It was meant to trap me as a way to kill me and it kind of did kill me because the spirits found me and tried to kill me but I hid in this suit but then it springlocked on me and now I am like this but I survived and that lock? It was faulty. Broke off in about an hour. There was an animatronic recall the next day and I snuck onto the truck. I found the laboratory and upgraded myself so now… I have powers too!
AlexGoldenPants: Then why not me and you fight since we both have powers? It’s only fair.
Dave: Hmm nope! That would mean that Bambi and Yeit will have to fight Alex and you will probably give them a secret power. Let’s continue it this way. Alex kills you.
Alexmatronic: *Runs to AlexGoldenPants and then starts repeatedly punching him*
AlexGoldenPants: *Starts doing the same back to Alexmatronic* Guys, help me kill this fucker.
Dave: Nope *Uses powers to trap Bambi*
Yeitonette: He forgot to trap me, I’m gonna go get some back up *Disappears*
Bambi: Hey! Goddamnit, now how will I get out of this? *Looks around cage* A phone? Perfect. *Starts throwing phone at cage bars to break out*
Dave: Is he really using a phon-
*Alexmatronic is thrown on Dave*
Alexmatronic: *Gets up and kicks AlexGoldenPants in the balls*
AlexGoldenPants: OW! My powers! They’re fading away… How did he know?
Bambi: *Finishes breaking out* Shit, Alex, you ok?
AlexGoldenPants: He made me a little less powerful now. My balls are my weak spot. You need to think of another way to defeat him.
Bambi: *Gets wrench* Hey Alex! Your shows over now buddy. It’s time for you to die MF.
Alexmatronic: *Tries to punch Bambi but Bambi dodges and hits Alex in an exposed area. Alex tries to grab Bambi but Bambi jumps on his back*
Bambi: You should’ve never attacked me in the first place. *Bambi then pours gasoline all over his head and then lits a match and jumps off Alex’s back*
Alexmatronic: *His head now is in flames and his systems start to shut down as he finally dies*
AlexGoldenPants: *Pushes Alexmatronic into Dave* Do your powers include being fireproof?
Dave: No but it does include helping to spread it *Dave then spawns a gas tank and throws it at Alexmatronic, the tank exploding, killing Alex in the process* My powers also include teleportation so I can let you two die in here and I will-
*Suddenly, a red hand followed by a violet one, then a yellow, green, orange, and finally a blue one grabs Dave as his powers fade completely and a portal to Hell opens as he is dragged into it. Dave is finally dead*
Yeitonette: Thank you, savior. You have finally allowed us to pass on and go to the afterlife. We will be forever grateful.
*Golden Alex and Alex split souls*
Golden Alex: My purpose was to have Dave suffer for his actions and now it’s complete. Now what do we do?
Yeitonette: I will lead the souls into the place they deserve to go: heaven
Bambi: That means that we might not see each other for a long time.
Yeitonette: It’ll be ok, Bambi. We finally found peace. You won’t need to check up on us. You certainly will see us again though.
Golden Alex then suddenly starts fading away
Golden Alex: I guess this means I am going to heaven. See you soon, guys.
The other children start to fade away
The children: Goodbye, savior.
Yeitonette’s soul then exits the Officer Yeitonette animatronic
Tristan: The sad thing is that my Father won’t be coming to heaven with me. I hope that maybe he will be forgiven at least and come up with us. He didn’t know that I was in this animatronic the whole time. I wish I was able to at least reveal myself to him and maybe he would’ve redeemed himself. I will see you guys in heaven. *Fades away*
Alexfancypants now starts fading away
Alexfancypants: Well I lived a successful life at least. I never really expected to see this journey and be a part of it. You were pleasant to be around, Bambi. I hope to see you soon. And I think those guys hope to see you too. *Points at three other souls*
Bambi then looks at where Alex is pointing to see the souls of Josh, Joseph, and Derp.
Alexfancypants: Goodbye for now, Bambi.
Josh and Joseph then salute Bambi as Bambi salutes back. Derp hugs Bambi and they share one last moment with each other as Bambi burns and his soul is lifted to heaven with the others on this journey
And that ends the story of Five Nights At Alex’s. Who am I? Well, I am Alexfancypants. The creator of this story. Thank you for reading this, reader. And thank you, Scott Cawthon, for creating Five Nights At Freddy’s. If he didn’t, this story wouldn’t exist as we know it. Goodbye, reader
The End