Five Nights At Purity's: Curse of the Nightmare Sapphire

1 year ago

The Five Nights At Purity's Update is finally on it's way!

Now that my files are back for the game, here is what's getting fixed:

- Shirina Glitch: Fixed it so now she'll appear more often in both Night 5 and Custom Mode.

- Nightmare Mode Fixes: Nightmare Veronica's jump scare had a bug, which will be fixed, and everyone on Night 6 won't move as quickly as they originally did.

- Mini Challenges Addon: All mini-challenges will be now playable with main challenges. So when you select a challenge with them on, they won't turn off.

- Mouse Cursor Bug: Got rid of the cursor completely as whenever people clicked off screen on the cams, the custom cursor would disappear entirely.

That's all I got for now, will be working on Purity's 2 in the background, but stay tuned for this 2.0 update! ^^




Next up

@NickPerson should of recorded this, but I found a bug in V2 of FTaH1. Apparently, if you beat ONLY Golden Homer (which I did) apparently not only the character that gets summoned appears, but EVERYONE ELSE GETS UNLOCKED!?

Apologies for no updates in a while folks. Game development can really keep a guy busy. lol Anyways, here's a teaser for one of the cutscenes in game! ^^

For those who are wondering, yes. This game is not dead! I PROMISE you my team and I are doing our best to get this out by late 2023/early 2024! It'll happen! ^^;

Episode selection hub totally remade! I like this set up better than what I had for the demo ngl. Biggest leak of the century, but meh. It's gonna be a while until the full release anyways. lol

Ladies and gentlemen! Five Nights at Purity's is now OFFICAILLY out!! I am so happy to announce this as I have worked over a WHOLE year on this game (with some help from friends) Thanks to all who helped and supported this game!

Hmmm, I wonder what these directions are for? 0.0

After the release/completion of VeggieTales. EXE Chapter 2 and Five Nights at Purity's: Curse of the Nightmare Sapphire, I plan to make a fan game based off of Boofie's Bunker and FNAF. And yes, I'm legit recreating all the characters from Boofie's Bunker

Sonic. EXE has a new model folks! He be evolving! New version was an SFM port made by Nyon. He's not on the team, but he created the model. ;) (First pic is old version)

We're throwing a certain GBA game into the game as a reference. ;)

New fan game, what's this? And just so everyone knows, FNAP 2 is still in development. Just taking a coding break from it while I learn how to code a UCN type fan game. lol