1 year ago

The fourth episode of Q&A for fangames creators is confirmed, the special guest will be @GreenJerry

Creator of Five Nights at Bootleg Plush Saga, you can leave the questions here on in the video, don't ask personal data


You have until January 15 to put your questions

1 comment


Next up

I dunnu how I made 3 videos in a week....


Sepa Judas cómo hice 3 videos en una semana

What is your favourite video I made this year?

It started in One Night at Winterbear and it finished in The Mimic Christmas Trials


Cuál es su video favorito que hice este año?

Inicia desde One Night at Winterbear y termina en The Mimic Christmas Trials




Game page for this game is now up.


New changes in community

Added Development channel to share the progress of your proyects

Deleted Fan Arts Channel

Nuevos cambios en comunidad

Se añadió el canal de Desarrollo para compartir el avance de tus proyectos

Se elimino el canal de Fan Arts

You can now view all jumpscares from all my currently released games (except simulators) in a single app!

Available for PC and Android!


Christmas is around the corner

A day of happiness, right?

Is a shame that in my case I'm gonna suffer....


Navidad está a la vuelta de la esquina

Un día de felicidad, verdad?

Es una pena que en mi caso voy a sufrir...

New game reveal (and release).

This is an old project that I was making back in March that was left unreleased due to laziness after pretty much finishing it. Now I've released it.

I only upload 3 videos in January

What was your favourite and why?


Solo subi 3 videos en Enero

Cuál fue su favorito y porque?