From Light
7 years ago

The future for From Light

Thank you so much for all your help

Hi everyone,

In spite of our best efforts, the campaign deadline has came and went, and we were unable to meet our goal. and we managed to raise a total of $36,170, reaching 72% of our 50,000 goal. It’s been a very long and hard fought journey, with a lot of great moments. From showing the game at GDC, to all the positive press and reactions, to even being nominated for another award during the campaign. It’s been a wild ride and we’re so glad that we got to share it with all of you, and so thankful for all your support through this time. We hope you understand how sorry we are that we weren’t able to reach our campaign goal despite all that, and that we wouldn’t have come nearly as close without all of your help.

What does this mean for From Light?

Unfortunately, without a successful campaign we aren’t sure whether we’ll be seeing From Light in stores anytime soon. We’ve been working very hard on this project, and we don’t want to see that work go to waste. We’re going to continue working on it as much as we can, but our days of bootstrapping will have to wrap up.

First, we’re going to take a couple weeks to rest and reorganize! Then the next priority for the team is making sure we can pay our rent and buy food. This could mean we all find individual work, or it could mean we approach publishers. Once we’re able to do that, we would love to keep working on From Light but unfortunately that might mean a while before we’re able to resume production or update all of you. Hopefully, we’ll be a little older, wiser, and able to make an even better game for all of you when that does happen.

If there’s any developments on the game we’ll be sure to post about it here, as well as on our social media. So you can also follow us on fb, twitter, or sign up for our mailing list on our website. Here’s to hoping we all get to go on a tour of Paradise 252-B some time in the future!



Next up

last day to sign up for our Thunderclap!!!

Fig Campaign Goes Live Tomorrow!!! Our Fig Campaign goes live Tomorrow!!! Get ready to share our campaign page! ✨ You can use this link:

The Statue Hall at the Three Trunks Resort

Freeze Frame Mechanic Gif

Another use of Freeze Frame

We need Fanart!!!

A Mean Wall

Ferris Wheel Gif

Teaser! Here we have a very quick gif of Lumen and Clarifly coming together, and it looks like they want to make an announcement. Monday should be exciting!! Not much more to say today the post in Monday will make up for today’s post length.