Most of you don’t know, but once the custom night is released, it’ll mark Inside My Head’s story as done. There’s no more need to create more games related to the story, since it’s going to be wrapped up in the custom night. Thus, I can safely say that this is indeed the last IMH installment ever.
Now, onto other things, I’ll be talking about the initial release of the game itself. The game is 75% done, and it currently lacks of additional assets and bug fixes. I’m trying to make it bug-free, since my last games are known to be crashing randomly out of nowhere...
I’d say the release is set for later this month/early next month. It is unknown however, since I might add some key elements that would be a great way to wrap the story neatly.
Even though it’s an Inside My Head: Part 1 additional game, it is noticeable that the atmosphere itself isn’t somewhat related to the first game; different location, animatronics, mechanics, etc. That’s reasonable however, since originally, this was supposed to be a “Part 3/Final Part” type of game. But, since the IMH games lack of custom nights, I’ve decided to turn it into one.
What’s new in this custom night?
-The custom night gives the player an “alternative” view of the game. This includes the office, type of gameplay and new features. The custom night also unlocks and unveils secret endings, minigames and also cutscenes.
Is this Part 3?
-It can be viewed as Part 3, but also can be viewed as a remastered version of the first game. It’s up to you!
What happens to Part 2?
-Part 2 is no longer a main project I’m working on, so except delays, hiatus or even a cancelation. Though Part 2 looks and feels important, this custom night has a greater impact on the series, since it gives and covers much more than the 2 previous parts.
What will happen after?
-Well, I will be either continuing the unfinished game I’ve had in plans, or leave FNaF developing permanently, and expand my creativity on other stuff.
That’s it! Thanking you for your endless support, and don’t forget!