So, I started this a few years back as a hobbie with my friend. I wanted this to be the next FNaFB, which wasn’t going to happen obviously, but back then I really believed it. This game was doomed to fail though, it’s about memes for crying out loud!
Anyways, I made this with RPG Maker VX Ace Lite, which meant that my options were limited for this game. I did get the trial version of the full VX Ace experience a little later on though, however that screwed with the game.
To make things short; when the trial ended, to my shock I was not able to edit the game anymore, unless I got the full version of VX Ace, which was very expensive at the time. Eventually, I grew afraid of telling you guys what happened to the game, I’d hate to disappoint, however now; after 2 years, it’s about time for you to know.
As you all can see from my profile description, I make games on now, which is likely inferior to RPG Maker, but I have so much more experience and skill with that than RPG Maker. However, I still use RPG Maker VX Ace from time to time, I have the full version now, so that’s all nice. Now, here’s an idea; if you guys can give me a good idea about reviving this game without having the memes in it get stale; I may consider reviving this old thing. In the mean time- I may consider rereleasing the unfinished product when I get around to polishing it on my desktop computer.