Hi guys.
So I’ve been thinking thoroughly about my decision, and I have finally come to a conclusion. Thank you all for your comments and words of encouragement. I’ll be honest, I was expecting a downpour of hate, but I got the complete opposite of that and I appreciate it.
In case you couldn’t already tell, the majority of people voted that I restart the project to fulfill my desire to create the fan-game I want to make, so that is indeed the option I am going for. You may have noticed already that on my profile page it says Don’t Forget’s progress is all the way back at 5%. That’s probably scary for some of you, but this is really what I want. It’s better for me to take my time and make a good game rather than rush along something I don’t want to make, right?
Y’know, this is the exact same thing that happened with Uppertale. I started with one idea, and it formed into something entirely different that I didn’t like. But I kept continuing it anyway, and look how it turned out. Awful. I don’t want Don’t Forget to turn out the same way.
Some people said that I should just finish what I got, because ‘development is tedious but you gotta finish it’ or they ‘want to play it sooner’ or whatever. Look, I’m not starting over just because developing it is boring. I’m starting over because I hate how the story is going, the code of the game isn’t up to snuff, and I just know I can do better.
So yes, I know it’s a big change, but it has to be done.
I hope you all respect my decision.
I’m already forming some ideas that I really like, so we’ll see what happens.
Thanks everybody, and have a nice day.