A Dig To Die For
5 months ago

the game is developing



Next up

hey guys im back. anyways some dev footage. I gotta explain what has changed:

hes like spr_player_hitbox but better

hey guys this is a tour of my house of do nots

and its half functional great!

state machine works, im gonna go to bed now i'll work on the 2d mode state machines next, also you can pause and skip the video, you wont be able to pause it in the release version but you CAN still skip it when you see it for the second time

I added the start thing, the start and exit things are actually just seperate objects, my bad fucking code strikes again!

the video is placeholder but IT WORKS!!!!!! THE VIDEO PLAYER WORKS!!

since when the hell did I get 200 likes on something

#InayahWishlist I want joltbux brah

what did I do??????