2 years ago

The game is finished, but there is ONE BUG that would annoy every player. It doesn't do anything bad to the gameplay, but it would annoy all of you!

I have a deadline set for the game because of school so I'm gonna work as hard as I can to fix the bug!

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Next up

I updated the bedroom, so now the teaser trailer on my YouTube is a little outdated (It looks a lot better than what I had before in my opinion).

Made a thumbnail for my game!

FredTime+ Christmas Teaser!

Made a Security Breach inspiered FNaF office :D


Intro Commercial

Development has started again!

Alright, trophies are working!

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

I remade an OC I made in 2021 in 3D!

The toon shading was inspired by @kierhampaused's plushies he made for themself.

Credit to @kierhampaused for the eyes.