1 year ago

The Garage

2nd chance

"uhh.....you good bro?" Andrew says

David then walks in the house as 'david' deforms its body and disappears


"Uh...what was that"Max mumbles

a black humanoid figure walks through the open door

a hat then forms from the figures head

the figure then rips its face open revealing about 7 rows of teeth

"I thought we were dealing with colorful crayons" David says

the figure grabs David tossing him aside

"AHHHH-" David yells

the figure then knocks both Max and Andrew down, jumping into the vents

the figure crawls through the vents while deforming its body into a lizard

the figure then jumps out appearing inside a certain restaurant with breadsticks

the figure then finds Obscurity feasting

Obscurity turns to the figure

Obscurity looks confused at the figure

the figure grabs obscurity throwing him

Obscurity runs at the figure slicing its chest revealing its ribcage

the figure grabs obscurity about to bite his head off

Gerold then runs in shooting the figure

the figure drops obscurity

"Finally got you" Gerold says walking closer to the figure

Obscuritys eyes grow as he lunges at Gerold

Gerold responds with a bullet to the eye

"RAAAGHH!" Obscurity yells out then falling

the figure grabs Gerold

the figure lets out sounds resembling the words:"I thought you died"

"I did" Gerold kicks off the figure. shooting it in its face

the figure gets up as a hole in its head starts growing eyes

the eyes then implode letting out black goo that reforms the face

the one and the only Storyteller jumps down

"Forgot about me again?" he said

the figure quickly turned around slashing at Storyteller

Storyteller then grabs the figures arm

the figure slams Storyteller into the ground

Gerold shoots at them both

"LET IT GO!" Gerold yells while also mocking Storyteller



Next up

just need to finish his arm and legs!

Ahuhgheh, gotta wait a whole week to finish him

Y’all I really wanna continue my plush series, should I?

He’s done! 100% my best one yet

The Garage Fan

Making Yarnaby!

I’ll be making Boxy Boo tomorrow!


Based him more off concept art. Took a lot of liberties with this guy