As the obscurity looks for ways to get more powerful it runs into a a human “wait your that guy from the movies?”the human says considering that the mall was built for a movie series “yes indeed I am obscurity says before eating the poor child yes it was a kid “delic-“ obscurity gets shot in the back it has no effect he turns around to see a man with no head and a chest with a big whole in it he rushes at him it seems dead but it eats the human just to make sure “weird..” obscurity says the whisperer wakes up and attacks obscurity as an epic fight scene goes on a Sadler comes and takes obscurity
2 years ago
The Garage season 2Ep 4:another one?
Next up
I wonder who
Really wanna make something out of this old art I made
If any TG og’s (ain’t there only two left 😭🙏) want some sneak peaks of The Whisperer I’ll be okay with sending you a picture of him
The Grasp
Chapter One
The Beginning Of The End
The Garage Fan
Bro big chillin
It’s been like 2 years LET ME OUT
Another random edit