David wakes up....for real this time he does the morning stuff and invites Trevor to help him find his friends he accepts but asks "I thought they all died.." "nothing is as it seems....." David replies they get to the mall and theres alot of cops there like helicopters and everything "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY KIDS" one cop yells "YOU DON'T KNOW WHATS IN THERE I DO LET US IN" David yells but they they don't listen so David shoves them and runs in with Trevor. "DAVID?!?" its him! its the main sadler...oh "WE GOTTA FIND DONIMO QUICK" David yells as they run off to well find it. they find it and they have a stare down before...."SOMEONES GOTTA KILL EM" Donimo jumps at them and starts choking David while slamming Sadler on a wall. David gets free picks up a random pipe on the ground and stabs Donimo in the chest. It falls down and says "ROUND TWO FIGHT!" gets up and throws sadler so far he starts flying "Well well well.....David thinks he can be bra-AH_" Trevor comes out of hiding and hits Donimo with a pole he takes out a lighter and shoves it down it's throat he then takes out a pocket knife and starts stabbing it's head over and over and Donimo's just sitting there with a bag of Takis it gets over it and picks up Trover and right about before he gets eaten alive..... OGGA BOGGA MAGIC STUFF HAPPENS AND TREVOR GETS SAVED! but by who.........oh my god it's the camera dude from season 2 that everyone forgot about i forgot if i even gave him a name so I'll call him Cam uh oh he just got eaten by Donimo-
1 year ago
Next up
He’s done! 100% my best one yet
Progress on Boxy!
Based him more off concept art. Took a lot of liberties with this guy
Y’all I really wanna continue my plush series, should I?
The Garage Fan
just need to finish his arm and legs!
Bro got a lil hungry
Ahuhgheh, gotta wait a whole week to finish him