3 months ago

The Gold Continent for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Loss of Light! (complete)

#pmd #PMDLossOfLight #pokemysterydungeon



Next up

Good luck reading this.

Hopefully you have a zoom feature on gj.


This made *me* upset when writing xd.

Tw: sensitive.

#PMDLossOfLight #pmd

Simon ReXythed is here!

I doodled Shrimpo during class

— also, I barely know ANYTHING about dandy’s world, nor do I play it,, my friends talk about the chars sometimes so that’s all i know

(I love you shrimpo)

I have spent 40 minutes hunting down these images to show that I support all identities, and the PSO is a safe space for all.

I have a discord but I don't mind setting up another one for therians too ^^


I've mass updated Wattpad of my story! :D

The updates are coming as two batches, one at quarter past (which is 11:15am for me (GMT+1)) and another at half past.


#PMDLossOfLight #pmd #pokemonmysterydungeon

We're so back

Also this is Ian (couldn't spell it Ein)

Doodled in science (cover) lesson.