11 months ago


(read article)

Wow i cant believe it! as of today i've officially made and published 2000 posts, i'd never thought i'd make it that far, damn.

Thanks for sticking with me for all that time, even during the dark and hard times you still stuck around, Now thats what i call dedication.

Anyways enough thanking y'alls i still have announcements to make, Starting off strong we have...

2024-2025 Lineup


What you're seeing now is a line-up of all of the future projects that are in the works right now, Please note that all things shown here might be released earlier or later than intended, i plan on released a few more things during these time-frames, but those are more or less side-projects than anything else really, these include things like Marathon songs, Short-form Animations and Skits, Gameplay videos, etc etc, This year's gonna be crazy thats for sure!

KB V2 Info

This sections purely dedicated to KitOdin's basics V2 information and shtuff, Now if you have been under a rock for the past... uhh few days, I finalized a roster of characters that will appear in the mod, This even includes some sugaku stuff since i plan on recycling a majority of the content from that mod into both this mod, and Redux Plus, and improve upon them since i have more to work with than just HarmonyLib API Runtime-Type shit, ya can only do so much with such limited tech ya know :P

I've also recently designed a LOT of sprites for the NPCs and other stuff, normally i would pull the "DoNt WaNnA sHoW sPoIlErS" shlock, BUT, i am feeling genrous today so...


Have a sprite teaser ;)

and now folks its time for the announcement you've been waiting for... the big one... This has been in the works for the past 2 weeks, it is small, but revolutionary i may now present to you all...

The Golden Gamer Discord Server


That's right! I, for the 4th time ever, am opening up a discord server, And this time, i guarantee some form of fun!

You can...

  • Interact with the other members in one of the 5 chatrooms

  • Post your Art and Musical talents in the respective channels

  • Have fun with the bots(but not too much, we dont want another dick-riding incident on our hands )

  • Contact random people with the userphone(with proper etiquette of course)

  • Make suggestions for future titles and stuff

  • Advertise and promote your stuff in the advertising channel

  • And so much more!

The server will open its doors on May 28th, although i will open it to select-servers a week before, i'll make a vid on the golden gamer channel once its doors publicly open, so look forward to that! welp, thanks for coming to this ted-talk, i'll see you, well, pretty soon, mark your calendars, may 28th, may 28th, cya!


1 comment


Next up

tried human or not, this is the convo i had.

idk if i should be concerned or not.

tommorow anew this way comes.

i made tis silly edit of a diamond man plushie in like, a few hours, spanning from last night to today (+ original source images)

Halloween is around the corner, and with it the Fall Festival, take a break from the spooks and enjoy some fun fun fun fun fun

be sure to bring some old friends with its gonna be fun.

he sure is excited to see you lil' boy....

this things been following me around all day what do i do?



Naughty fucking laptop always crashing in my face

anyways status report, today went decent.

mostly misc-stuff, did some swaggest hits work.

heck i even made this logo yesterday that i forgot to show y'all, enjoy!

when you have nothing to post so you're just sitting there like