Enlain's Old Dead Projects / Test Projects
2 years ago

The history of Six Nights at Beck's

Right, I should've known there was no reason to say no to this. I'm gonna go in the order I came up with these, just so it makes more sense. The builds are in the order of when I coded them, by the way. Well sort of. Some are separated.


Back in the day Mighty No. 9 was my most anticipated game of all time, and I still supported it despite the backlash it earned later. I was also a massive fan of FNaF, of course, so it would make perfect sense if I combined the two somehow, right?

I initially wanted the game to be entirely 2D to fit with Mighty No. 9's anime artstyle, but of course that kind of thing is too difficult to do, especially for 13-14 year old me who still draws like a child. (I'm still bad at drawing today actually lol)

I actually made a page for this game when I didn't even have my computer. I was really desperate for attention due to trauma from being bullied at school and having like, 5 friends that talk to me. Then about a year later I finally got a computer, not a strong one like how I wanted to, but still a computer. (Thanks dad) I was finally able to work on my creation.

The Story

The story was initially gonna be playing as Keiji Inafune (Ex-designer/director for Mega Man and director for Mighty. No 9) in a Mighty No. 9-themed restaurant, but then later I thought "Nah, that's boring, I need something cooler." So then I came up with this story that I wanted to be a recognizable creepypasta cause I want attention:

Dr. White creates an upgrade that gives Beck indestructible golden armor (I overexaggerated the golden Beck DLC), while suddenly Raychell installs a virus into the upgrade and creates a monster out of it, thus creating Golden Beck, or Beta Golden Beck as I called him later. (Golden Freddy ripoff) Later Golden Beck runs wild around the city and puts some of the Mighty Numbers and associates under his control. The victims being Beck, Call, Brandish, Countershade and even Ray herself. After these events, Dr. White's and Sanda's laboratory is found to be destroyed, with barely any way of restoration. Their robot development business get heavily damaged and they lose their funds to restore the lab or buy a new one. The robots disappear without a trace, and they all have been presumed to be destroyed or lost forever. This puts the world in shock.

Dedicated to the lost robots, merchandise gets made such as toys, cartoons, and even videogames. Afterwards, Beck's Pizzeria (Renamed to Beck's Mighty Café in later versions), an animatronic pizzeria, gets created as a big memorial to the disappeared robots, mainly Beck, AKA Mighty No. 9. Dr. White hears about it and goes to work as a security guard at the place.

The phone guy would reveal how shady the pizzeria really is. Ray turned out to have already killed one of the workers and nothing about it gets done about it, and the workers are even questioning if they are even animatronics or the actual robots Dr. White and Dr. Sanda made. Dr. White quits the job and sues the pizzeria owners, but alas, the robots have disappeared once again.

Version 1

The first version was going to be heavily inspired by FNaF 1, in good old 2015-2016 fan game fashion. The only new mechanics being the trapdoor that leads to the basement toy shop and a vent that you can't interact with. The characters were also mechanically inspired by the FNaF 1 animatronics, Beck was Freddy, Brandish was Bonnie, Call was Chica and Ray was Foxy. Countershade was the only one that was mechanically different, but he might as well be inspired by Golden Freddy, as he would appear in the vent and you would have to hide yourself behind the camera monitor to make him leave. (This was the only use for the camera monitor other than Ray, by the way)

To tell the truth, actually, Beck wasn't accurate to Freddy's mechanic at all. His mechanic was actually just being able to approach all the entrances in the office and doing the corresponding mechanic. Think of something like Candy or The Rat in Five Nights at Candy's 1, except they'd be able to get through the window.

In the build that I put here the menu music isn't there, mostly because I remember wanting to replace it with something else. I initially wanted to use the Sonic.exe file select music for some reason. I probably just thought it would fit well.

The bonus modes would be an extras menu showing which Mighty Number is the character or what their gender is, with a jumpscares menu and some bonus nights. I remember impossible mode basically just being all 20 mode, as I had no idea how to code a custom night, or even just how to make AI in one frame. Hell, I was so early into Clickteam that I didn't even know that the "only one action when event loops" command exists, which disappointed me on how the jumpscare sound played. I was so disappointed, I wanted to move to Game Maker Studio, but I couldn't as I didn't understand a single thing about it. And I don't think I ever will as I don't know programming. I hope to learn programming someday though.

Fun fact about the jumpscare sound, it's the one part of the game I want the most and I still can't find it nor can I accurately recreate it. I made it even before I coded the game using Wavepad on my old tablet by taking a jumpscare sound made by DuckDuckerson (I think that's their name???) and screwed around to make it sound robotic. However, I still can't remember what effects I used and in what order. It was more than just metallic echo as that effect was never used in Mighty No. 9 or even Mega Man. My computer broke numerous times and due to that I kept losing files, so I have a handful of lost media. Not just the jumpscare sound, but also things such as...

Version 2

This version was a tiny bit more original, and is where the pizzeria became a café. The office looked more something like the FNaF 3 office, except with a window on the very far right, hole on the left, a laser door device on the door and a vent behind you.

All the equipment in the office would be controlled through a remote. Think of Mickey's Pizza Club by Malrat. (Malrat, if you're reading this, I know how much you hate that game and I'm sorry I had to mention it, but I don't think everyone forgot about it.) You could close windows, but only one each because I didn't know how to render the windows separately. You could play a loud sound, stupid mechanic I was obsessed about ever since my NBD. And finally, you can activate the laser door that after some times deactivates automatically upon running out of energy. You would have to wait for it to recharge to use it again. That's about it with the remote.

You could also hide under the desk, blatant ripoff from FNaTI that's only used for one character. There would be a separate hover button for that.

And finally, the cameras. You would mainly use them to wind up the generator, FNaF 2 Puppet style. Nothing would make it go down faster, however. Once it ran out, you'd go through a completely black power down sequence and just not be able to do anything. All you could do is wait for a character to kill you. The only other use could be to see who's in the vent behind you, but I also remember there being a noise que for that.

Mechanic wise, Brand and Call still imitate Bonnie and Chica. They would appear at either the middle or right window and you would have to close either one of them. You don't close them with a cover, by the way, they just have glass that slide in and out. They're too stupid to break them.

Beck would run through the hallway in the office, and you would have to quickly turn on the laser door before he gets there.

Ray would appear the hole on the left and you would have to scare her away by playing the loud noise.

Shade would appear in the vent behind you and you would have to hide under the desk so he doesn't see you.

Golden Beck would be an early (for some reason) enemy in the game and would work the same as Golden Freddy traditionally would.

The biggest thing about this version is that the main nights for thus game were almost finished. I sent a demo for Kasandryx, who voiced phone guy for the game, to record footage for a trailer. They don't seem to have it anymore, however. This is the main reason why this version is lost now. The other reason is simply because my computer broke then. Which is also why the next version was lost too.

Version 3

Not much is different about this version from V2, except for the controls and sounds. I made this version because I lost V2, but then I lost this one because my computer broke again.

The choice I made for the menu music is interesting and probably the best one. This is the song that I used, however instead lf just putting it in the game I slowed it down, gave it reverb and reversed it. Very easy to replicate. Hell, I think I might still have it.

However, because I lost V2, that means I also lost the jumpscare sound. Which is why I made a new one that I'm not proud of today. Kind of. It's what I edited into the FNaTI 5.7 jumpscare sound. I recorded it with my own voice and did... Something with it, don't remember what.

The remote, which is attached to the very left now, and the cameras now had physical buttons. On the remote, however you had to navigate through the selections with the up and down buttons and press the accept button. As for charging the generator you would have to go to the generator room camera and hold the charge button.

This is really it. Not much more was made for this version.

Planned Sequels

That's right, I planned sequels for my old games. That's how desperate I was (and admittedly kind of still am) for attention. I thought what I made was gonna be big and had sequel potential. Either way, I won't talk about all of them as they also had multiple version, but I'll just say after the first version, or at least with the one with the old story, the sequels were gonna mostly ripoff FNaF 2-4, with adding a fifth game and a free roam Fredbear-like prequel, where Mega Man himself was the Fredbear of the game. But now with the final story...

Six Nights at Beck's 2

Dr. White decides to be a security guard at a storage facility instead (*cough* FNaTI SS *cough) but then the robots are found in the facility, with even more Mighty Numbers fallen under control of Golden Beck such as Cryosphere and Dynatron.

A 360 degree camera was planned and I desperately tried to find a tutorial on how to code it, but alas, I couldn't, so I just thought to have you turn around instead.

In front of you would be a laptop, vents on the very left and right and windows, two of them could be opened by Ray. The laptop has cameras, but without a map, however. The map would be shown on a piece of paper next to the laptop. (Someone ripped me off with this recently!) There, you could also wind a music box to calm Dynatron down. (Please end my suffering)

Behind you would be the rest of the office, with a closet, a door and a TV. The map was actually inspired by the apartment I lived in once.

The main mechanic would be shutting down the power through the laptop to be unseen. For those who can see in the dark, you would have to hide under the desk.

For Raychell and someone else don't remember who you had a noise maker that you have to use straight in their face for them to leave.

Golden Beck would be the final boss of the game, who's mechanics I don't remember other than him being able to appear through the tv and laptop.

The ending would be Golden Beck and Dr. White having an agreement. Golden Beck would return everything back to normal if Dr. White kept the robots in the now abandoned Beck's Mighty Café for six more nights.

Six Nights at Beck's 3

You would play in the abandoned café with Dr. Sanda being the phone guy this time.

The office would have a hole in the ceiling as a new entrance. (FNaTI TEoD lol) There would also be shock buttons next to the door, windows and hole on the left and two monitors on the desk, one with a keyboard and the other with a mouse. The mechanic of hiding under the desk also makes a return.

Obviously, the shock buttons can shock characters, however they all have cooldowns. (Jolly 2 lol)

It would be necessary for you to use the cameras with the number keys. Cause it's cool. I think it didn't have a map again either.

The right monitor does maintenance for the cameras and such. THERE is where you see the map and where each camera is. Each camera can break and you would have to fix them. If all the cameras break, the power gets cut off.

Ray would have to be locked with a door that you have to slowly close through the maintenance monitor. You have to check on it through the cameras though. If the door gets too open, Ray will run out and kill you.

Pyrogen would be a new enemy in the game who will fall through the hole in the ceiling. You would have to hide from him.

Golden Beck is the final boss again as an attempt to get his way.

Upon beating Golden Beck, time rewinds into the events of Mighty No. 9 and Golden Beck leaves existence. God I didn't think this one through.

I also planned spinoffs that take place in Beck's and Call's visions while they were under Golden Beck's control. Beck's would take place in a hellish location while being hunted by his allies, with Dr. White and Dr. Sanda being new fleshy nightmare enemies. Call's would take place in a school that was inspired by the one I went to at the time.

And that wraps up Six Nights at Beck's. However, some of you might know I want to make a Mega Man FNaF game. That game is basically a reboot of Six Nights at Beck's and I really want to have it made some day. Unfortunately, I can't work on it now as modelling isn't really my thing and so far I'm having no luck with getting a free modeler. I can't get a paid one either, as I'm Russian and the Russian ruble is worthless right now. I'm planning to make it after I'm done with Abandoned Reborn and FNaF Offline. In some way or another.

Next time, we'll talk about my old NBD remake, as that was the second thing I was doing after SNaB. It has some lost media too!



Next up

Comedic value + 100

POV: You suck

My reaction

New FNaTI 6.0 update is bonkers

Where the hell did I get 10000 likes???

monster how should i feel

Sprite isn't perfect I'll improve it later keep in mind this is not an original design



POV: You decided to stop being a pussy and just improve it good job basil *thumbs up emoji*

By the way this is not a robot hand, it's just mechanical

felt like it