The Human's New Design(figuring out the name still.)
I changed quite a few things, and it seems my sprite skill is improving, so that's a good thing I guess.
However, this is the new OFFICIAL Version. I hope you Enjoy.
(More updates may come soon.)
Next up
rip betty's legs lol
Best Sprite Work i've made by far, change my mind. (Wonderful Idea, Sans. "a.k.a. hardmode sans")
"A bete-noire, the FEAR trait" got lazy on the lighting, cause im so tired when i made tihs.
Alphys aah #undertale #fanart #art
Finally, jeez, the adjusting it took just to put this as a thumbnail for my gay took a lot out of me. But I managed, so here it is.
Betty, made it after 5 hours and suffering.
Holy Cow. I changed the Header.
Request: Could Someone Make some Concept art for the Sprite I made for Aurora Oasis? It'd be some Help, Thanks.