Remade e4m1 ACS script.
Remade Ignited Freddy and Bonnie player.
Optimized stands in night 8 area.
Interpolated all player anims (now they have smooth transitions).
Interpolated all monsters anims (now they have smooth transitions).
If anywhere Phantasmagoric animatronic get player, the player will scream in frigth.
Changed Phantasmagoric Freddy, Foxy and Fredbear models. (The same of Igniteds form).
Remaded animatronics in zscript (execpt Ignited Springtrap).
Ignited Freddy: Now it's possible stop a Freddy's chase with your flashlight.
Ignited Bonnie: he's are too slow, but if you look to him, he will be more aggressive. He's double the speed.
Ignited Foxy: If you turn the flashlight on Foxy before his eye glows white, he will emit a red light and a error sound. If this happens, you are done.
Ignited Chica: Chica will always be walking around and increasing her "aggro meter", as soon as you find Chica, face her for a time. If you to stare too much, she will scream and your are done.
Ignited Fredbear (Night 6): He's appear and DON'T TURN BACK. Leave the room without look him.
For all Phantasmagorics and Fredbear (Night 6 and 7): Now they can walk through walls, are much smarter and have been completely rewritten for zscript.
removed the nashmove.pk3.
Added a new reverb in game.
Fixed missing prop.
Now you can select the custom nights in launcher.
Fixed, added minimal details.
Added a news easter eggs.
Added new secret character, "@Nikson_Official
To play ass him, type "Give isNikson" in console before the loading.
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