3 years ago

The legend of bruno.png creepypasta DO NOT READ IF EASILY DISTURBED OR SUCIDIAL

Bruno's backstory

Bruno was a middle-age man who worked at psycho games, he made money but one day it would go horribly horribly wrong.

MAY 8 2016 (Continuation of backstory)

One day Bruno was testing a game and it failed to open four times, he went to go tell his boss that the game wasn't working, but when he did he got fired for messing with the game. In rage Bruno vowed to get revenge. That night Bruno snuck into psycho games HQ, and messed started messing with the game. But mind you he was a game tester he didn't know how to code, but what he did took hours. just as he was about to finish (He was sweaty almost done though) he bent over the computer to plug a wire in a drop of sweat sealed the deal. The sweat fell into the computer and electrified Bruno and killed him.

NOVEMBER 9 2017 Bruno's Madness

Me and my friend Bill got back from game & grab with a new game called the legend of the four gems. We where so exited to try it, we waited a year to try this out. We got home and plugged the game into the computer. Everything was normal at first, but when we hit the eighth level called crazy castle things started to go weird. The level started normal, but when you entered the fourth room things get weird. Dead people started appearing on the floor. When you enter the fifth room dead people and blood every where, but when you enter the sixth room it goes blank a text appeared it said "Can you see there sufferings?" I didn't think of anything at the time. So Bill pressed a and it brought the main character in front of you. Then text appeared on the screen "Pain" then the level started. I died to a spike then text appeared on the screen "Are you going to make them suffer?" I just restarted the level Bill died again. Then it said "ARE YOU GOING TO MAKE THEM SUFFER FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT. BILL YOU ARE A MONSTER!" Bill quickly turned the game off.

NOVEMBER 30 2017 Bruno's Madness Continuation

After some time me and Bill forgot about Bruno. One day we found TLOTFG and booted it up. Text appeared "Press a for suffering." He remembered Bruno now but decided to face his fears, and pressed a. Luckily he passed the level. We entered the seventh room and Bruno kills the main character by snapping it's neck. Then it went dark, a few seconds later the screen lit up we have the follow up character in the "mourn" level, it wasn't that hard as the pain level, BUT follow up did die from Bruno too. Bruno cut his head off. Finally we had the second follow up character in the level "Unknown Sufferings" it was harder then mourn, but not as hard as pain level. We beat Unknown Sufferings. The final character did die by Bruno, by getting his heart stabbed and carved out. Then Bruno said "How do you feel you monster, knowing people died for your entertainment? Well guess what it's your turn bill!" Bill got sucked. I SCREAMED LOUD AND BANGED ON THE TV SCREEN, but nothing worked I saw the controller and I used to help Bill. I almost killed Bill twice but finally it was done he let Bill free. Me and Bill hugged then after a forty second hug we unplugged his computer went outside and burned his computer and TLOTFG.

MARCH 12 2018 Bruno's revenge and peace

(Bill got a new computer)Me and Bill went to play video game's after school at his house. We got into his room and booted Minecraft, but to our surprise it crashed. We tried game's like Sonic, Mario, Undertale, Roblox but it all crashed. We tried DDLC and it worked game booted. Things where normal at first, but when we got into the middle half of the first act things started getting weird. We got to Sayori dialogue when Sayori's head fell off. Bill checked if he had mods on, but no there where no mods installed. We just kept playing then after Sayori died Monika killed Yuri and Natsuki. Weird because we know how this game goes it's our hundredth playthrough. Then a shadowed figure appeared on screen. He said "REMEMBER ME?" The we remembered then I asked HOW ARE YOU STILL ALVE WE BURNED YOUR LITTLE WORLD!?!?! "Before you burned my game I jumped to your wifi ." Ugh that explains it "Now let's have some fun" Bruno says. He proceeds to teleport me in DDLC. Me and Bruno have a big fight. Just as I'm about win, Monika hits me with a frying pan a FREAKING FRYING PAN. I could not move my legs because they where numb. I say my last words but, right as she's about to kill me Yuri stabs Monika with her pen. How are you alive? I ask Well when Monika shot me I played dead, Then bandaged my wound. Says Yuri.

Ok I say. She proceeds to help me up. Bruno notices and say's "DO YOU THINK I'M A JOKE I CONTROL ALL VIDEO GAMES ON YOUR INTERNET NOW." Then the game switched to Minecraft. He forced the mobs to attack me and Yuri, But like the savages we are we kill them every last single one of them. Bruno get's even more angry, and he switches the game to Sonic The Hedgehog then we see him controlling Sonic then Bruno said "If little hedgehogs covered in blood gives you nightmares then you ain't read to mess with me!" Sonic starts chasing us. Then I see the perfect way out. I tell Yuri my plan and she distracts Sonic and I Fight With Bruno. After punch after punch and kicking I won he dropped his control pad and me and Yuri exited to my reality. When we got back Bill was in shock that Yuri was standing there I told him not to worry. Me, Bill, and Yuri Unplugged the everything including the wifi and burned it. Bill's computer turned on with Bruno on it we got to watch Bruno scream in pain -The end



Next up

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I won’t spoil it unless if you want me too!

Just beat Sonic Adventure 2...

It was amazing!

Mikey The Hero Series Poster!

Mikey The Hero 3 & Ralph is now out!

Get the full game on itch.io!: https://mikey-games-studios.itch.io/mikey-the-hero-3-ralph


The game finally came in today. going to try it out.