3 years ago

The murderlies is now officially Disbanned

After around 2 years, the murderlies is now officially disbanned. Its had it coming for a while, now it’s official tho. it was on life support and just needed the cord to be unplugged.

The whole reason this group was made was because of a bunch of friends, when i planned to revive it, it looked more like a company, so i decided to scrap it. Most of the members have left gamejolt and the ones who are still here, either have gone off to other things or are barely on anymore.
I felt restricted when trying to make a storyline for a series based on the murderlies as it required the help of friends who arent there anymore. I feel as if letting go of the murderlies will let me have more creative freedom to make stuff.

theres no point in trying to revive this place any more.

you can take stuff to make you live longer, but you will never be as spry as you once were.

thank you all for the wonderful memories this group made!




Next up

Drew some Toriel ^^

My awesome 🤩 izza tower komic

Saw a cute outfit on twitter

Decided to draw myself in it :3

[Fashion Meme] [NOT ORIGINAL] [Sort Of Rushed]

Had lots of fun with this one! :D

Kuri but they're awesome and cool and uhhh

Gay idk

Swag money

Goodbye Murderlies

Thirsty milkwoman

check out ferrets perspective when your done with this please :3


N03ll3 d00d1es X3

Workin on tommy’s pose sprites now

Little doodle I did in 4th block with a mouse

Not the best, but I’m proud with what I could still do with a mouse ^^