Hi guys,
We've been VERY busy with POPGOES Arcade lately, as it's getting close to its proper, paid release on Steam! Here are some answers to frequently asked questions:
Q: When will it release?
A: We are not sure, but the goal is sometime in June.
Q: How much will it cost?
A: I'd like for it to be the same price as FNAF1, so around $4.99 USD. That's about 1 dollar for every hour of gameplay!
Q: What makes it different from the Game Jolt version?
A: The "Premium" version on Steam will include new features for the entire game, like The Bestiary, which is a bit like a Pokédex for all of the enemies you encounter.
POPGOES Arcade Premium also has an entire second chapter of gameplay! Basically a sequel, called POPGOES and The Machinist. A new story, new gameplay, new enemies, new music, etc. Check out my YouTube channel for some clips!
Q: What about the ports?
A: Ports will be worked on after we're sure that the PC version is perfect. PC/Steam is first, then we'll see what we can do about mobile and consoles.
Q: Will my save file from Game Jolt carry over?
A: Yes, your progress carries over! But your old enemy encounters won't be listed in The Bestiary (because the game was never keeping track of it in the original version of the game). So you might want to just start the game from scratch anyway, especially since we also added...
POPGOES Arcade's Steam release will launch with achievements! And it seems like there will be at least 30 of them, which should add some fun challenges and enhance replayability of the game.
And when the game is ported to consoles, the exact same achievements SHOULD also work for PS4 and Xbox. Fingers crossed.
Here are some examples of achievements and their new icon artwork that I've been working on:

Community Features
Once POPGOES Arcade's Steam release reaches a certain threshold of activity (sales, reviews, clicks... I'm actually not sure what qualifies this), the game will be eligible for other community features, like trading cards.
Trading cards are virtual collectibles in your Steam inventory that you get when you play a game. You can trade them, sell them, buy them on the Steam marketplace, etc. If you collect every trading card for a game, you can then craft them together into a badge for that game, which will also give you stuff like Steam profile backgrounds and emoticons to use in chats. You can also click on trading cards to get a larger version of the artwork on them, as a PC wallpaper basically.
This requires quite a lot of new stuff from myself and my team! Here's a mockup of the artwork I've made for some trading cards:

And of course to add trading cards, we also need to make sprites for badges, emoticons, and profile backgrounds. We're still working on these, but here are some mockups (using a template Steam profile) of a few profile backgrounds I've worked on:

What do you think? I hope this entices some of you to buy the game when it releases soon! Or you can just watch your favourite YouTuber play it. Your support for the series, whether you're a customer or not, means everything to us!
That's all for now. Just wanted to update you all, let you know what's going on with the team at the moment. I'm really excited to release my first product, as part of the Fanverse. POPGOES and The Machinist is full of surprises and is a ton of fun. Reception has been GREAT so far.
Also want to say a big thanks to my team who has been working through this with me, as well as the members who have continued working on Evergreen (yes, we are still working on that game lol)