Well here we are!
Sabotaz Inc. is absolutely out of development. They only way we are going to go back and add/change stuff is an overwhelming cry from the players. So you know…
So what changed? Let’s do this in points! Points are fun!
Menu navigation!
You can now buy upgrades and skins for you blowpipes!
Fixed bugs!
Improved UI!
Minor design changes!
Difficulty normalization!
File size is way smaller!
Well those are the things we did. I may have missed something but you get the general idea. We refined what we already had. Polished most rough edges and made it a better, more enjoyable experience!
Now it’s your time! Get out there and start playing! We want to hear every single bit of your feedback so let’s use social media!
Here are Sabotaz Inc,’s accounts!
Hope you like the changes and enjoy the game!
I will soon update you on what’s next! Until then, stay focused!