In the Dreamview Apartments you can access a casino, or "Entertainment Room" to keep it more kid-friendly, where you can make $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, or even $200 bets at the roulette table and double what you bet! Or you can try the slots, where you if you get three 7's in a row you win $300! The slot machines charge either $10, $25, or $50 depending on which you use, but rumor says that the $50 one is the luckiest. An ATM is also provided to help manage your winnings (or lack of).
In other news involving this update, one of a few side quests is being added, and it can be done as many times as you want to make sure you have as much money to gamble away as your heart could ever desire!
I will also be adding less moral ways to complete requirements for the appearance of certain wisps, but even if you choose a less-than-kind path to take for one wisp it doesn't bar you from any of the good options either. You can be as morally good, bad, or gray as you want!
(I've been trying to post this since about 5 minutes after the latest update. The new wifi isn't doing so good. Wish me luck)