Digimon: Digital Heroes

3 years ago

The new update is up! I didn't change a whole lot yet, but I did polish it, fixed some bugs and added a few extra stuff. And most importantly: now there's an Android build!

Learn more about it below:

  • Android port! (Click the three dots and select the .apk)

  • Added a "super ultimate level" for everyone

  • Swapped some sprites. Scale and coherence were my highest priority

  • Improved some sprite animations (thanks, @DragonRodArt )

  • A few level design tweaks so every character can finish every stage (at least I tried as much as possible)

  • Removed the "110%" ending. It was a way of saying that you've collected everything in that mode, but it came across kinda confusing and unnecessary

  • A few AI improvements

  • Bug fixes and extra polish

Also, don't worry, this time you'll be able to load your game normally, so no need for another new game. You can delete the old files, you won't lose your saved data.

And that's it for now. It doesn't look like it, but this took me quita a while to finish, a lot more than I was hoping. After all I'm one guy making and testing it.

So because of that, Digital Heroes is now entering a hiatus. I need to work and focus on another project of mine (an original one, not a fangame) for now.

So, after I'm done with my next project, I do intend to come back add more content to Digihero, including more stages and characters, at least.

For now, thank you for playing! I'm overwhelmed by the reception and I really appreciate you guys, thanks again.

Until next time!



Next up

I'm working on something neat :)

Version 0.8 is out! Thank you for your patience and I hope you'll enjoy the game.

Little update coming up next friday!

New update improving the look! Constantly updating!

#game #digimon #anime #3D #fangame #development

#art #fanart #rpg #action #actionRPG #model #indie #new

Hey people, new update is up!

It's just a few fixes, minor and one major where you couldn't get Terriermon anymore after some bugging crates.

Thanks for all the amazing support and, of course, thank you so much for playing!

Este digimon ea white Guilmon este digimon surge cuando a un digitama de guilmon recibe White digitron la contraparte del black digitron

I've finally finished the development for my Digimon platformer! You can download and play it now. Thanks for everyone that supported this project and gave feedback, it's been a rewarding journey!

If you want to know more, read the article below:

Hello people! I've just released a big update for a Digimon platformer fan-game: Digimon: Digital Heroes. If you're interested in playing, know that any feedback is appreciated!

meanwhile i trying fix animation scale due resloution

Big update for my Digimon platformer coming this week! Like, the most important one.