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Another section of 2.0 is DONE! I just need to buff it slightly cuz it is too easy. After that, I'll have only 1 more section to make and then I can get to work on the ending!
Search For Jimmy 2.0 is FINALLY out! The link to the game can be found in this post and in the pinned post of this gamepage.
nothing wrong with this st3 theater image in the outskirts
screenshots i took while playing chapter 1, i clicked select chapter instead of new game on accident so my progress didn't save after i beat ch1, but its fine i can do it again since i missed the bacon soup achievement
i FINALLY got bendy after years of me wanting to play it, if you didn't know yes i am quite a bendy fan im EXCITED
Search For Jimmy 2.1 is OUT NOW! Alongside with the archive, which JackoTubbies will have too. Check it out! This update adds checkpoints to the game! Hopefully you guys with have a better time trying to beat it now!
i love it
i just beat chapter 5 of bendy, i REALLY enjoyed the game even if it there were a couple fetch quests here n there (cough cough chapter 3) but other than that it was very fun, mini-review in article (also i'll try my best to 100%, currently at 49%)
Literally NOBODY has beaten 2.0 yet, 5 people beat it during 1.0 though. The person who has gotten the furthest into 2.0 is @Inverted_Minnie . I put a note in the description related to controls so that people don't ask me what to do on Discord lmao
I've finished building the next section of 2.0! I'll work on the gameplay of it now.