8 months ago

The Official Jokesters Encyclopedia


This encyclopedia is meant to report official information about the Characters and lore in the Jokesters Series.

This will be update if new stuff about The Jokesters Series is revealed.




Gender: Male (he/him)

Status: Dead

Relationship: None

Mason is the main poster boy of the Jokesters series as well as the main character of the series.

While he first appeared in the first game in the Jokesters Series, his true origin can be traced back to One Night At Marxfan2008's. His first design was nothing like what we see today. Back then, he was just a green recolored Marx AKA a self insert of a old avatar that Marxfan used back in 2020.


Mason is colored green with cyan jester makeup on him, he wears a orange Marx hat with a purple bowtie, supports some cyan and blue shoes, and has blue eyes.


Mason is a animatronic that became sentient after it's soul controlled its programing core.

After he was completed, K.Lee would put him in a storage place and expected someone to get him, but that would not be the case. Mason would be abandoned for a few years. Until he sees some individuals come in the location. Being angry inside over the face that he was abandoned for so long. He has the idea to attack the guard and kill him.

Throughout Mason's, The player has to avoid Mason, but he always fails because he is weak to the taser of course.

Then on the final night, it is discovered that there is a bomb on the floor. Once 6 AM hits, Mason is paranoid and is motionless. As the time ticks down, he begins to twitch violently and begin to scream. He is destroyed as the bomb explodes

After being destroyed in the explosion, his destroyed shell would be dragged into the location of ODATH, but his soul would still remain, he would join in during the creation of S**thead, waiting for the right time to strike, after surviving for a while, he would accomplish his plan and takes control of the S**thead body fully, forming into:

Toon Mason


Once encountering him, the player ignites him with the lighter, killing him and the rest of the toons burning and fully being killed, but their dying souls would create holograms of their normal versions.

After facing against him in The Jokesters Night, he fades away as his soul dies fully. Like the rest of the hologram characters in the game.




Gender: Male (he/him)

Status: Dead

Relationship: None

Recolor is mostly the same as Mason, though as his name says, he is a recolored version of him.

He is also another character that appeared in ONAM2008's


He retains the same shape as Mason, all though he is painted yellow and darker and lighter shades of yellow, green and blue stains remain on him to show that he was once the same colors as Mason


Basically the same as Masons origin story.

He is another threat during the events of Mason's. He is blind, so he tends to go to the window and tries to break it to get in into the office. But he can always feel the threat of the taser stabbing him. So the best solution is to move away.

He is also seen destroyed and burnt in the credits of Mason's.

In ODATH, he can be seen fully destroyed in Cam 3. Although he is not active during the story of ODATH, he can be activated in the Custom Night of that game. He can show up randomly by ruining out of his camera and sowing up in the office. The player can avoid him by flipping up the camera.


He reappears in The Jokesters Night, as a reformed hologram.

He fades away and his soul dies at the end of the game.



Species: Floating Suit

Gender: Male (he/him)

Status: Dead

Relationship: Shadow (Gay Relationship lol)

BEAR is a threat in the Jokesters series who makes fun of the average scratch fnaf character.


BEAR is of course a bear animatronic shell that his Brown and Orange, he has sharp teeth and red glowing eyes.


Due to him not having a endoskeleton, the soul in him had to take control of the shell, and to hide the fact that he is a floating suit, he supports black metal spheres.

Bear is also another threat in the series.

Bear has a unique mechanic in Mason's. That is by looking at him in the camera when he is about to exit out of his room.

He is also destroyed at the end of the game, though that is offscreen.

In ODATH, he does nothing. That's because his soul would exit out of it and create a hologram of the thing they controlled.

He fades away at the end of The Jokesters Night. Along with his soul dying off.



Species: Shadow

Gender: Trans Male (he/him) (transitioned from Female to Male)

Status: Trapped

Relationship: Bear

Shadow is a being that takes the shape of Mason. He is also in a relationship with BEAR.


Still the same as Mason. But he has a shadowy shade of blue and has mini tentacles coming out of his eye sockets.


While transferring into a Mason Animatronic, the animatronic fell and got destroyed. Causing the transfer to fail, and causing the appearance that Shadow has. Originally his soul was female, but due to his appearance, he took on the male pronouns.

He his kinda sneaky, he would barley show himself when in the office, trying to get a better chance to attack.

This is his main mechanic in Mason's. We would learn his mechanic story wise by the phone guy in Mason's. Just by looking at him.

He was the only one not to be killed during the explosion. Although he would lose his Mason appearance.

He would find the monitor used in Jokesters Night and created a virus in it in order to reform himself, though this plan failed and is forever trapped in the monitor as it was turned off after The Jokesters Night.

K.Lee/Keven Lee Jamer


Species: Toon

Gender: Male

Status: Dead

Relationship: None

K.Lee is the main character of ODATH and The Jokesters Night. He was originally a avatar character for Marxfan2008 back in 2018. He has been introduced in the series as a joke character, due to the original version of him badly ageing.


K.Lee takes the look of Dedede with a green, pink and blue hue on him. He has melting spots and melting stains all over him. He has nostrils on him, a thing that Normal King Dedede does not have.


K.Lee was spawned out of a huge King Dedede drawing in the secret room of the Hideout after his soul transferred into the drawing. That drawing was made by him before he became a physical toon. After a while, K.Lee had a great idea. To make his own animatronics, so he ordered some equipment for the hideout and got to work building to robots. He is also the reason why the Animatronics are sentient in the first place, he collected the souls and brought them into to room where the animatronics got made. He took the info about what they should look like and built their requested design. He got lonely for a while, then he had a idea. He drew some Kirby characters and got souls for them to transfer into to create some friends.

Although 2 of them escaped from him, those 2 would go on to transfer into drawings outside of the hideout.

After beating Mason's True Nightmare mode in the Custom Night. We see a cutscene of the continuation of the credits screen. As the camera moves up, a light shines revealing K.Lee.

He is active during ODATH, though he can easily be fooled by the mask.

He would eventually get all of his friends and merge them to create a new creature, S**thead. K.Lee was the one controlling it at the time. But it would not last long, as Mason's soul would take control of S**thead.

After the events of ODATH K.Lee's dying soul would create a hologram of himself, retaining the same personality as him.

But before he exited out of the hideout, he would create scribbles in the room he was birthed from and plastered them around the drawing, these words where "I started all of this".

During Blog 2, he would communicate with the main character of Blog 2 through the ODATH monitor and at the end said over and over of how he started all of this.

He is a treat during the story of Jokesters Night, but due to him having his personality during the hologram phase. He is still fooled by a mask.

He is fully killed off at the end of the game, when he fades out of view, and having his soul fully die.



Species: Toon

Gender: Male

Status: Dead

Relationship: Ligma (Girlfriend)

Deezer is a secondary character in ODATH, he is also one of the friends that K.Lee made.


Deezer is a blue Kirby with a hat merged into his body, though he cannot feel the pain through the hat. The hat has the words "Kirby Sprinkles". He has melting spots all over him.


As said earlier, Deezer was created from a drawing due to K.Lee wanting friends.

Deezer does little in the story, only there as a extra threat introduced at 2 AM.

He is another toon that is merged into S**thead.

He would recreate himself as a hologram in the Jokesters Night. But like the hologram cast in the Jokesters Night, he and his soul is fully killed off.

Meta Knightmarian/Meta Balls


Species: Toon

Gender: Male

Status: Slightly Alive Soul

Relationship: None

Meta Balls, real name Meta Knightmarion, is a character introduced in ODATH, The reason why his nickname is Meta Balls is because his friends would joke around with his name due to him being ball shaped.


Meta Knightmarion is a Toon that takes the look of Meta Knight but with a green hue to his color, he has purple lines on his solder pads, he has pink eyes, has a mask that can be removed, and has melting spots all over him.

He also has a green and purple cape that he barley wears.

Under his mask is a melting hole with tentacles in them, with 2 eyes connected inside his head.



He is one of the friends that K.Lee created, while K.Lee and Deezer are self aware, Meta Balls is the one with more self awareness, he knows when things are gonna happen, like when he is caught about to attack someone.

He even didn't want to be merged into S**thead. But he was forced to by the others around him. He regrated every bit of it.

Once S**thead was transforming into Mason due to Mason's control. Meta Knightmarion tried to escape from S**thead, but was fully trapped into Mason. With him being burned in the fire.

After these events, he would reform himself through a hologram and would enter into the Jokesters Night location, where he is killed off after getting to 6 AM

With him fading away while his soul dies out, at first thought tho

Though some say that his hologram just faded away, and his soul is still slightly alive. Its just that it does not want to transfer into something anymore.



Species: Toon

Gender: Male

Status: Dead

Relationship: None

Nutter is another character in ODATH, and is K.Lee's 4th friend. He hates when someone is in the gaming room, and would attack anyone who enters when he is in there.


Nutter is a Disembodied King Dedede toon who's skin is pink, has a yellow beak, and a blue and green hat, he walks on brown colored tentacles.


Nutter was the last friend created by K.Lee

He is also a character with a small role in ODATH. Only there to add a mechanic where the player avoids the gaming room when he is in it.

He is also another toon that is merged into S**thead.

After ODATH, he would recreate himself as a hologram in The Jokesters Night, only for him to be killed of fully at the end of the game, as his story ends, so is his soul. As it fully dies out.



Species: Toon

Gender: Male

Status: Dead

Relationship: None

S**head is all 4 of the main toons in ODATH merged into one.


He has the eyes of Meta Balls, has the face of Meta Balls and Deezer, has the beak of K.Lee and Nutter, has the tentacles of Meta Balls, has the arms of Deezer, and has the cotton ball of K.Lee and Nutter.


While all 4 where transforming into S**thead, Mason's soul (made out of imagination and not from a person.) joins in and waits for the perfect time to take control of S**thead. Once Mason takes control of S**thead and transforms into himself, S**thead is burned.



Species: Toon

Gender: Male

Status: Drawing

Relationship: None (But he simps on fictional women and goes on the 18+ side of Newgrounds)

First appearing as a Non-Canon Custom Night character in ODATH, then making his canon appearance in The Jokesters Night, Wilson is one of those characters that feels out of place in a series with mainly Kirby characters.


Wilson is a grey Mickey toon with static eyes, has a top hat and green vest.


Wilson was one out of the 2 souls that escaped from K.Lee and would transfer into a drawing with his design.

Since he was alone at the time, he started to go on the computer more that he started to have his personality changed. He started to simp on fictional women more and more, but when Ligma was spawned, he started to stop simp on fictional women, but he would rarely do it again and again when Ligma was not around him so no one can catch him.

He also had a habit of loosing his head after he fell of the chair during his hours on the monitor doing questionable stuff towards certain pieces of art

After the events of Jokesters Night, Wilson is impressed at the player for surviving a Nightmarish and difficult challenge by facing off all of the characters including him.

As the player escapes from the building, he would go back to his drawing and would melt himself into ink to revert back into his drawing. With his story coming to a end.



Species: Toon

Gender: Female

Status: Drawing

Relationship: Deezer (Boyfriend)

Once being a easter egg character in ODATH, Ligma would make her canon appearance in The Jokesters Night.


Ligma is a toon that takes to look of a purple Kirby, she has melting webs that connect to her eyes, a frown on her face, and a flower that is connected through a stem.


Ligma was spawned after Wilson and is also the other soul that escaped from K.Lee

She once explored the hideout and found Deezer, and in the first time in her existence she smiles, She and Deezer would get along and would fall in love. She would visit the hideout just for Deezer once in a while. But that smile changed once the news of Deezer being supposedly dead went into her dream while sleeping, that piece of news turned her smile upside-down. Though she would find out that Deezer is still around as a hologram, but Deezer told Ligma that he may not be around for much long, this made her not smile as much anymore. After Deezer fades away and his soul dies off fully.

Ligma is depressed in the inside, she wondered "If he is not alive anymore, than I should be dead as well"

Those words would be proven right, as she reverts back into a lifeless drawing. Which is where her story ends.



Species: Toon

Gender: Male

Status: Dead(Physical), Alive (Hologram)

Relationship: None

Wadooler is a character in Mason's. It is very obvious that he is a artist, as drawings are seen everywhere in the art room.


Wadooler is a Waddle Doo Toon who is green, has one blue eye, has some hair sticking out, and yellow feet. On the back of his eye, he has a red eye when he attacks. He can take on that by rotating his eye, like a lego head piece.


He was created after his soul melted a Perler Bead Craft of a Green Waddle Doo and transferred into it

He would make his first canon appearance in Mason's. Serving as a threat from night 2 and onwards. He is easily scared away by the flashlight. During the day of the final shift. Wadooler would start to melt due to stress, which alters his appearance. After 6 AM hits on night 4, Wadooler would be killed. Not by the explosion, but the fire from it. As he is burned and melted off screen. He would make a appearance in the jokesters night as a easter egg. But his appearance in that game is not canon. But the events of him turning into a hologram is canon. Though he is just off on his own, wanting nothing to do with the main player from now on.

DJ Ghoster


Species: Animatronic

Gender: Male

Status: Unknown if he is Alive or Dead after Mason's

Relationship: None

DJ Ghoster is a character that was made to retcon Ennad out of the series. He is also a threat in the game Mason's


DJ Ghoster is a Ghost animatronic that is white, has red shoes, has a red and cyan headset, has sunglasses, and smokes a pipe.


DJ Ghoster is a animatronic that was created just like the rest.

But while his soul was transferring into the animatronic, a glitch occurred that caused him to be annoyed by any glitchy loud sound. In Mason's, he attempts to kill the player. But while the investigation team was looking around the place. One of them turned on the broken radio by accident. Which caused Ghoster to twitched a bit. That moment would be documented in one of the noes that is said in Night 2.

DJ Ghoster would be killed of screen at the end of the game. Though due to the state of his soul being glitched. He would not given a second chance, as his soul would fully die off. Which is why he does not appear in the Jokesters Night.



Species: Animatronic

Gender: Male

Status: Dead(Non-Canon)

Relationship: None

Ennad was a character in the series and played the role as a threat that the player had to avoid.


Ennad is just Ennard but with a mask with the Hungry Pikachu Face.


Just there as a joke character and a threat in Mason's Remarxed

He has since been retconned from the series and has been replaced by DJ Ghoster.

Making him non cannon anymore


Souls are the main core of a character in the series. They are created from imagination, not from a person after death

We have a lot of info about these souls in Blog 2

it goes like this:

Soul: Imaginary

These souls are created out of the imagination of a person

Some of them can find a piece of paper and can create a drawing on what they look like. Once the drawing is finished, the soul can jump into the drawing and become a Ink creature of the same character from the drawing.

If a Imaginary Soul wants to become a animatronic.

The Ink creature has to catch one first and see if they want to be a animatronic by telling their mind. Once they get a idea on what type of animatronic they want to be. The Ink creature creates the animatronics, thus the soul can enter the animatronic to have a body for itself.


1. All of the characters are based of old things made by Marxfan2008 from 2018-2021

These characters are:



Meta Balls/ Meta Knigmarion









DJ Ghoster(Actually based of my old friend's OC)

2. Some characters had old designs, but they have been retconned with better Gen 2 designs.

3. BEAR was gonna be in another troll game before he ended up in the Jokesters Series

4. The part of Wilson being a simp came from the fact that I used to be a simp back in 2021, I am not joking. Thankfully I am not one anymore

5. Marx's friend Vintage was the one who gave K.Lee his name

As said earlier, this encyclopedia will be update once new info is out.



Next up

A Friendly Face has shown up.....

Menu Showcase

👻Pac-Man Ghosts🕹️

Blinky, Pinky, Inky, Clyde

Maskie Reveal Teaser!

Meta Knight Vs Kirby

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Five Nights at Freddy's! Go to gamejolt.com and accept the quest to get started.

Quick Little Update.......

Today on January 26th, a year has passed.

as a final goodbye (there's still a chance). Here's this Jolly 4 wallpaper I made for 30K Follower milestone. I'd like to share more if Ivan is fine with me doing.

🔫Ranger Kirby⭐