Just realized that I announced the making of POPGOES Plus over a year ago. (8/12/23). Time flies when you're having fun. Specifically developing a game like this of course.
I know I haven't been the greatest when it comes to POPGOES Plus content these past few months, but something *SPECIAL* is coming in the next few days!
How did I attract @Kane to one of my most recent posts? I think I made him mad because of me stating POPGOES Plus should be an Official Fan Game because it "includes" him.
Thanks to everyone for taking interest into this game of mine! Especially @CaketasticCakes and @Kane! (Please don't get mad at me Kane for pinning you again).
A new FNaF hoodie design has been revealed a few days ago with Enard and the Funtime Animatronics on the design! Artwork by Snartles. (I know I'm late to this news).