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We are pleased to announce that we have reached more than 30k downloads! Thank you so much for the support for Chapter 0. Art by: @Tako0 (Check their twitter :))
With the Eden's Island Art Festival coming to an end, we are proud to announce our Top 10 contestants. Congratulations on our Winners and a big thank you to everyone who participated! (Credits will be posted below
Chapter 1: "Beneath the Veil of Hypocrisy" is now available to download!
Any *spoilers* will be tagged under #EdensGardenCH1
After many days contemplating, we finally decided to crown our winner for the Eden's Island Art Festival @Minnowber! Big Congratulations from the Team for winning this Event! Art by @Minnowber #EdensGardenGame #ProjEdensGarden
Greetings Gardeners!
The long awaited Summer Event is finally here! Draw your favorite P:EG Character in a dashing summer outfit!
For more information, check it out on our Discord Server here:
Art by @sera_phiel
"Maybe a bit more to the left...and then...just a little more to the right..." Stay tuned to find out what they have been up to on May 10th on Youtube! (Art by: @Sera_phiel)
But we are not leaving you without a surprise. Stay tuned. Art by: @Betina (luckyoreos)
Be sure to tune in at 8PM EST, Saturday, 26 August 2023 for a special 35 minute Dev vlog for P:EG's Chapter 1! We have prepared many special things, including a surprise at the end...
Art: @Sera_Phiel on Twitter
watch it here:
The long-awaited Dev Report for March 2024. Dev Reports are essentially an alternative to Dev Vlogs. We use it to communicate our development progress in a short, summarized way. Thank you all for your continued support and excitement for Eden's Garden!
“Strange that one minor event, one small action, can alter the path of everything.” CH1: Beneath the Veil of Hypocrisy releasing on December 20th. Art by Edits by