
5 months ago

The Pac-Store was a chain of retail stores originating in 2016. Around 2022 the store's website was shut down. There has been no locations made since 2019. It featured 2 new characters and replaced all4 ghosts and six animated shorts were produced for it.

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my meme

The Japanese version of Pac-Man World 2 adds a "Pac-Hoop" that shows how far Pac-Man can jump.

In Pac-Man World, the classic mode uses art based on the Puckman cabinet as a boarder.

my house

Recently Laszlo Palfi revealed Pac-Man Angry Bird's real name to be Pac-Man Slingshot.

Yum-Yum, Pinky, Inky, Sue, and Clyde have all been depicted as green ghosts at some point.

Pac-Man Vs refers to ghosts by their color instead of their name, so green might be Funky.

true facts with pac 1....

sklettmann trying not 2 make a amazing bbm2 map challenge

100% yes i agree

Tegen's NES Ms Pac-Man contains a easter egg where when Ms Pac and Pac bounce off eachother repeatedly, Baby Pac-Man spawns. Eating them gives 5000 points.