Thanks to your awesome feedback, we released a BIG update!

We added, changed and improved a lot of stuff:
New Upgrades!
New sounds!
And much more stuff i forgot about…
New font
Changed the placing of UI-elements
Things to buy are revealt one at a time
Added timer
Round numbers everywhere
Changed dialouge-size
Changes in turret-buying-process (rightclick to cancel it)
Added a little shooting-tutorial in Round 1
Added enemy-counter
Graphics and Animation:
New Bullets and dissolve sprite for bullets
Added explosions!
Added Cursor Sprite
Camera changes:
Focus on player while fighting
Smooth zooming
Gameplay and Balancing changes:
Balanced the clicker stuff (costs will now increse after buying
something)New turret balance
Added asteroid (click on it!)
Added maximum limit of turrets
Changed number, health and attack power of enemys
Have fun!