Yup, that’s right, I’m cancelling The Rat Cave. I want to cancel TRC because of a change in interest, and the fact life is getting busier and busier. Especially with the fact that I’m graduating high school this year, which means a lot of weight is being put on my shoulders. I want focus more on original projects that I can make money off of. I want to pursue a career in animation, music, and video games, but with my own original characters and stories. I’ve been focusing on that a lot lately. I’m working on my own animated short film and 3d platformer with my own characters and stories that I have written, and a album. That has been taking up most if not all of my free time. Expect to see more information about those in the future!
Me and the team have cooked up a google drive folder for you guys so you can see what we’ve worked on. We tried to put everything we could find to put in the folder so I hope you enjoy! A lot of the gameplay we recorded for the game were put in streamable years ago, so most of them are sadly lost because streamable deletes videos after a certain amount of time. the mfa is too buggy for me to really want to mess with it right now for me to record new clips to put in the folder, but if we find some more clips we will happily add them in!