Casting around the small community I have currently made is rumor of the Real Ending. Yes there is one, it is possible, though harder to get in the first run, but you’d have to know the background to figure it out. The real ending is more rewarding as the third ending though as the entire story is not as linear as you think in replay. So yeah, three endings, good bad and true.
Next up
Update 28/01/2017
What is Brussels' role?
Happy birthday Undertale
Humans relationship to Subworld
Sprite Building
Combat and the three virtues and vices
And so the hard work begins
Announcement May 5th 2017
We now have a forum We want our game to grow and would love your input along side getting to know you. Please sign up and join in the development of Subworld.
First screen shot of test footage for the game Took me a while to get the feel I was looking for in the backgrounds. A lot of trial and error, but here we are. All original work. I hope you like what you see.