4 years ago

The scratch team is terrible at making jokes.

If you don't know. For Shivashu09's gamejam I stole one of his projects (that he stole assets in it from me) and it was taken down by the ST.



Next up

More progress on the DC-15a. Also added a hologram radio and a Bacta tank (health pack).

WIP DC-15a rifle

The first three builds of SWDC have been added to the archive!

a background (did in 3 days i finishhed today)

#FavoriteGame It’s literally impossible for me to pick one game as my favorite but this is one of my favorite games that I’ve been playing recently.

and pico >:3(philly nice right?)

some poses :3

WIP 438th Battalion Clone Trooper from my Star Wars fan game "Star Wars: Diamond Company" #MayTheFourthBeWithYou