Yes, I killed the project. Yes, I revived the project. Yes, again. But this time I have a plan!
Both reboots were made to address the same issue; the most common complain was that the game was not intuitive. I have watched people play the old demo a million times and they all looked confused whenever going through a curve, even at the last level! So clearly the naive simplistic implementation wasn't communicating the underlying mechanism. The player isn't merely rotating, it's moving straight on a curved space. Failing to communicate that is catastrophic. So I set out to implement an actual curved space mechanic, that would distort everything as you would expect a curved space would. My previous implementation of this didn't pan out, but this one did and it's ready to go.
Now, I dedicated way too much time to this project and I'm tired and I want to work on other things. The scope of the game will be defined by the reception this demo gets. I might update the demo in the upcoming weeks though! right now it's pretty small and lackluster, just showing the engine. I might some extra levels, an intro message explaining the purpose of the demo etc.
Also, I know I have to update this entire page to replace the old screenshots and old aesthetic with the new one. I'll get to that eventually.
Here are some mandatory gifs of the new implementation: