Requiem. An UT fangame (old game page)

7 months ago

The soothing light grows everbrighter.



Next up

There was an attempt

Holy shit guys I went back through my old art from September to November and I hate all of it

And I have stuff planned for 600

I love this image


Casually saying

Your problems are fake

And in context

This is talking about philosophical and mental problems


Perfect stupid jerk meme

hug me

Holy shit zoomed out this looks 10x better

I am officially back on drugs

I was a slightly above teenage grillby

Fun fact

My ocs are in their 20s because of nuff. And I should thank them for that, as the story wouldn't be what it is today.

Yet again I still hate them

and this man.

This made me cry last playthrough


I gave in to temptation and added a few more bug and arachnid details.

Note the spider mandibles on its abdomen