FNaS: Sonic's Speedy Custom Night [Unofficial]
3 days ago

The stream is live! Come join!

SSCN Dev Stream 0 - QnA and Testing new setup.
Just a small QnA stream today partly so I can test out all the stream stuff I've set up.Just a couple small rules:- Don't spam- Don't ask questions that are ...



Next up


I don't know exactly when, I'm thinking 1:30pm-2pm BST but yeah!


Here's the old Clone Sonic jumpscare, yeah, the one that took me a week to make.

It's scrapped now. Simply because I'm not proud of it, and it kinda... looks awful in the latter half.

So yeah, making a new one.

You didn't think I'd forget him did you?

#fnas #fivenightsatsonics

FNaS Oddities' pinned post is up!

Well well well.

What have we got here?

The Blue Blur, The Showtime Extraordinaire, and The Rad Red.

Finished the extra characters from FNaS 2, and thus, it's cast is done! Which means that the Demo's roster is fully revealed!

See you all soon where we'll (hopefully) have some coding progress!

#fnas #fivenightsatsonics

10 YEARS OF Five Nights at Sonic's.

I can't believe it's been 10 years since the first game came out, and about 5 since I joined this community.

#fnas #fivenightsatsonics

I had a thought, if the shadow trio has a slightly different design from their originals, shouldn't shadow sonic reflect that?

So I updated the thumbnail so he matches the others.


Hm? The eyes in the shadows?

Oh yeah, it's the Shadow Trio!

#fnas #fivenightsatsonics

As of typing this, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!

It's been 17 years, and I've lived one hell of a life.

I'm so thankful to the people who've been here for me throughout my time on this planet so far.

Enjoy this for now, I'm going to actually get some sleep.