This Demo was actually a bit rushed, and so I was unable to thoroughly playtest it. I did playtest it, but only a bit, and so balancing issues might be present.
Several things of notice:
- Metal Mario may seem like a troublesome opponent. He hits very hard and resists a lot. Don't give up, I made it so he randomly skips turns.
- Master Hand has 4 moves, 3 of them being very powerful, to the point that one of them literally always works as a 1-hit KO. One of them fails to hit at all pretty frequently, and the other deals a lot of damage. The fourth move barely deals damage at all.
- Speaking of Master Hand, he has to charge before using an attack, and upon attacking, he must charge again, representing how in the Smash Bros. series his attacks had a lot of startup lag.
- There is no leveling system (yet).
- Most of the enemy characters don't have a moveset.
- Playable Luigi and Playable SMG4 (they are your allies on certain battles) don't have proper stats; they use the default stats as of yet, and so might be extremely powerful.
- There is currently 1 "minigame": Race to the Finish as Stage 8. There are several enemies walking around slowly. If you somehow touch them, you will engage in a fight. Once defeating them, they disappear. The goal is at the bottom right corner.
- The 8 Yoshis fight may be frustrating due to the fact that the 8 turns makes you wait more for your turn.
- There is no music.
- Sound effects are the default ones.
- The game inevitably shows Exp. and "G" (currency) rewards after battle. They will be always 0, but the Exp. one uses the Spanish word for Experience; Experiencia. (I don't know how to change it)
- There is no Adventure Mode.
- You can't play as Luigi in the Classic Mode.
- You can't play the VS. Mode.
- Once you beat Master Hand, you will get Mario's Trophy.
- There are no stages except Final Destination on Master Hand's fight.
- I'm probably forgetting something but I'll end the list here.
Enjoy the game! And don't forget to leave feedback.