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Message From @FiveNights2161 Hey, guys! So, as of now, we've decided to get really serious, and we made a storyboard for the game! We think we'll start making some actual progress soon! I hope to see you all in the TOG Group and talk with you all!
So I actually got the masks working! (I hope.) I'm adding a few more things, then releasing Version 0.2.0 of Test001 DEMO!
Happy New Year, 2022!
Happy 01/01/2021 People!
"I'm safe in my closet... right?"
Origins is back!... With changes.
As you know, Origins has been in development heck for multiple years now. From different developers to 2 different versions... We have now decided ultimately to make it One. Big. Game!
See you on the flipside!
A C C E P T E D, T H A N K Y O U, L A U N C H I N G T H E S K E L D.
Warning: Sadly "FNaF Origins: The Full Story" has entered a Hiatus. But do not worry! We should be back to work as soon as we can! ~Bdon19 & The TOG Group!