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Exploring The Darkest Corners Of The Code Is Dangerous.....
"You've been exploring rooms?..........."
A C C E P T E D, T H A N K Y O U, L A U N C H I N G T H E S K E L D.
Hello everyone. We are pleased to announce that we are off of hiatus! We cannot wait to show you what we have coming, and we'll see you all soon with FNAF Origins VENDETTA: The Home Invasion!
Origins is back!... With changes.
As you know, Origins has been in development heck for multiple years now. From different developers to 2 different versions... We have now decided ultimately to make it One. Big. Game!
See you on the flipside!
Warning: Sadly "FNaF Origins: The Full Story" has entered a Hiatus. But do not worry! We should be back to work as soon as we can! ~Bdon19 & The TOG Group!
Happy 01/01/2021 People!