Throughout the years, Michael and the Thousand Reptilians band have traveled in flight for almost 40 years of excitement and a world of dragons. Their original creator, is unknown, but he was a Japanese company-worker that had an great obsession with dragons, more likely to make his creations come to life for children. Michael's Seafood World was actually inspired by Eddsworld, Michael was referred to as Edd (Edward), Max as Tom (Thomas), Pine as Matt (Matthew), and Rox as Tord. Michael turning into Richael, was actually supposed to be a little concept of Edd turning Eduardo from Eddsworld. Dragons with the theme of Eddsworld; you may say, 'Eddsworld did not exist, unfortunately!', It was actually in 2009, where they reopened it, but Ryan, himself, thought it would be good to potray a famous youtuber. It was his favorite, which was Edd Gould himself, and went for it. Michael was made after Edd; you may see some similarities, he really likes coke and has big, wide glasses. Max, of course was Tom! He had a checkers tie, and a checkers wristband, he had a chin beard like the real Tom. He also had an obsession with killing guards, with broken, sharp alcohol bottles. Pine, was actually Matt, himself! He had the same features at the real Matt, Blocky chin, loves himself, and prefers himself. He had spike, wavy orange/ginger spikes on his head, which made him look a lot more like Matt. Rox, on the other hand, actually looks like Tord! He had two curly spikes that went forward like Tord, but had a black, thick coat like the real Tord did. He liked guns, but of course, due to children rights. They would not love that, would they? But overall, Ryan decided it was time to perish the diner, leaving it to rot until nothing is left. Only 2 animatronics were left. That is when Michael and Pine had became the best friends of each other. Edd and Matt!

This picture was actually took in the December of 1992, originally from the 'MichaelsWorld!' Show. (Psst, fun fact: Pika was actually a female version of Pike, Pike was originally Ringo from Eddsworld, but I decided to make a 'Ringa!' one!