The Trap Door X Fnf Stands For The Funk Door. it's an fnf mod from the oldest tv show called the trap door. Boyfriend became Friends with Ela, Justin was invited to play uno. But Bf Wanted Tell About His Childhood. He Wanted Go To Dark And Nasty Regions Gf's Father Found Out And He's Has Idea! He Wanted Send Bf,Justin, Her Friend BF!. sends to dark and nasty regions. they woke up and don't know where they are. they hear that knocking sound and "HEEELP!" Sound comming from the trap door. they decited to go and check. and they see who inside. bf uses his and and blue thing grabs it and comed out from the trap door. he thanks to kind sir. bf beeps. and says "who are you?" he's name is berk. keith asked about lost bff. and the thing scared bf.

but. not for all! bye!
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