hello every one! its finally time to talk about the next demo/update!
as you may have noticed they game jolt page has gotten an update! it looks better in my opinon. so lets talk about the game! there are new characters replacing some that were “derpy” so this new roster can be seen above…
also the next demo has drum roll instructions! called character logs! so enjoy that! the next demo also includes a LOT of updates on the sound mechanic starting tomorrow ill relese some the chacters over the next few days also i cant be certain but i think i can get version 2 done by this sunday
(as minumum relese date) oh and here are some of the things I fixed ; )
the ipad no longer waste power under the desk
freddle no longer crashes the game
twisted freddy will not kill you under the desk
game crashes less
takes up less storage (how ever the characters added will make more storage be tacken probally.sorry.)
the winning screen is now escapable