It's been a busy week, so I'm glad to show off the latest release of Cascade Cafe.
First, a new character has been added to the game, the greyhound Kubo!

Kubo adds three new abilities to the game, opening up new strategies to interfere with your opponents plan.
Kubos ultimate ability is very powerful and allows you to shift the entire game board in a direction. Anything caught at the edge of the board is discarded, whether its a tile, an item or even a trap someone has placed.

This brings the character count up to 3, which leaves 3 more characters to go! Since these are all new abilities, be sure to let me know if you find any issues :)
I also have a some concept art of the friendly sloth who will be the next character in the game!

Jove will bring a type of ability to the game that hasn't been seen yet: Token based abilities. These let you place tokens on the board that increase in power over the course of the match. It takes a while to see the payoff, but slow and steady wins the race.
The closer we get to having all six characters in the game the closer we get to launching a story mode as well. I'm really look forward to getting the initial version of that launched.
Thanks for checking out Cascade Cafe, see you next week :)