Without Further a-do, Let me announce the Winners of the art contest!
@AlexCrystal1 (GameJolt)

This art piece stuck out to me as a winner because of the creative design takes on the characters! Yip and Yap look very amazing, with their poses and expression capturing their personalities amazingly!
@EclipZee (GameJolt)

This stuck out to me a lot! I love how you took the unused / Scrapped characters / designs, and merged them all into one character! I'm really impressed with this design! Congratulations!
@blinglasses (GameJolt)

I absolutely Love your re design for Yap! everything here is well designed while also staying true to her character! Congratulations!
@Ratypea250 (Discord)

I never thought to myself what a withered Yap could look like, but here I can see it very well what it would have looked like! It's an amazing take on a possible withered Yap! Congratulations!
@ZazakiSan (Twitter)

Absolutely love this design of Yap! I'm amazed on how cute you made her animatronic design! her fluffy hair, and sparkly eyes make her a lot friendlier looking!
Thank you all for entering!
I cannot lie when I say I had a really tough time picking winners for this contest. Every single submission looks amazing, and I cannot thank all of you enough!
Just remember:
Just because you didn't win, doesn't mean your art is bad at all! Every submission looked fantastic! These five are just the ones that personally stuck out to me!