Dear people:
After a long wait, it will soon be released “Survive the nights in fredbears 2: The precquel”. Well, as you already knew, my reasons for my little activity were school (counting exams, dissertations, homework, etc.); Also during the year I attended guitar lessons and it really did not give me much time to continue with the game, so now I’m working day and night to get out as soon as possible. And then I show you the advances of these days and the arrangements (I will mention them below) …
new teasers and gameplay:


Modification of radars and timer of the characters in the cameras
Elimination of Air Conducts.
A monster sound is added (by pressing the Space bar).
A patience timer is added (musical box type of FNaF 2) with a new hallucination.
Modification of visual effects.
The option “How to play / Play” is incorporated in the menu.
Easter Eggs and new hallucinations are incorporated.
New mechanics and gameplay (compared to the games of the STNIF saga or my games -literally-)
Thanks for watching!
psdt: I apologize for making you wait a long time for this game, I promise it will not happen again.
- Leonard Meza
#fnaf #fredbear #fredbearfamilydiner #fangame #Springbonnie