5 months ago

There it goes @MTMB_Lenovo her version gacha life



Next up

My upgraded desin of my burning form

Movie super me updaded and my items updaded in sonic forces speed battle

I unlocked Sir gawain in sonic dash

In 5am i unlocked nine and now I unlocked dragons haunter lancelot in sonic dash

I unlocked Sir pecival in sonic dash

I unlocked rusty rose, boscage labyrinth sonic and amy paladin in sonic dash

I unlocked Sir galahad in sonic dash

Oh yeah i forgot to post this

In 5th of may i unlocked super shadow in sonic forces speed battle and in 19:00 the have broked i got a lot of super shadow cards in the game and i got 3.250 cards but now upgraded him to lv.5 and now is on 3.130 of cards

I unlocked mephiles in sonic dash

My excalibur form and my items in sonic forces speed battle