In this particular mode. I think It was intended to be a practice for Chuck and Modern Chuck Combo. So nothing complicated. Modern Chuck U gotta listen for the Alien noise he makes. His laughter can happen anytime so don't get distracted.
I played this mode to adjust my hearing, because, My first encounter with Modern Chuck. I thought That his laughter was Old Chuck's sometimes. That's because when u practicing Nightmare Mode, You will more likely to flip the monitor down when U hear Any noises except for Munch. So I kinda like to try to reword my brain here to not flip the cam when I heard Modern Chuck's noise. This mode was really useful for me.
About Modern Chuck. You kinda like when u close the gate just close the halfway of the passage. In other words, release the gate when The gate reaches the upper half of the lever.
Sorry for bad English But thanks for reading tho.
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