So right, like you had all seen before with Jax Justun Studios AND Haxx Hustun Studios, Draxx Dustun Studios officially made posters like this one right here to show off all of their official parody mascots, recalled parody mascots, and parody cameo mascots in just one massive bunch!!!!! In a positive way of course......
.........Anyways here, technically of course, there's official of seven parody mascots from Series One of 2024 from DDS HQ, but of course, there's actually eight here!!!! Here's the official list here so you all won't get officially confused here!!!!!!
The List of ALL Parody Characters/Mascots of Draxx Dustun Studios Inc. (Series One of 2024 Only)
Series One of 2024:
Parody Characters Of DDS Series One:
DDS PC #1 - Zammitt - (Created on: May 1st, 2024)
DDS PC #2 - X PlumberGuy - (Created on: May 4th, 2024)
DDS PC #3 - Slimme-Flurr - (Created on: June 11th, 2024 - Aug. 1st, 2024)
DDS PC #4 - Bistal Crall - (Created on: August 11th, 2024)
DDS PC #5 - Mr. Frilmlock - (Created on: August 2nd, 2024)
DDS PC #5.1 - Mrs. Frilmlock - (Created on: August 14th, 2024)
DDS PC #6 - Numbrer Four - (Created on: May 4th, 2024)
DDS PC #7 - Mrs. Pieya-Face - (Created on: August 23rd, 2024)

(Message Typed on: March 15th, 2025)
So yeah folks, not a whole lot here for this poster here, but time overtime of course, things like this will be changing overtime......As always.........This first series of all parody mascots from Series One of 2024 for DDS HQ actually of course, took place on the very first official day of May of 2024!!!!! And the first and ever official parody rediscoveries of Draxx Dustun Studios then first started on October 1st, 2024, the official day when DDS HQ was officially been created, way before both Jax Justun Studios AND Haxx Hustun Studios were created!!!!!!! YEAH!!! Try not to be officially all confused and everything folks!!!!! BTW, of course, all of the official names of all eight of these DDS parody mascots here from the very first series are just absolutely ridiculous here!!!!! No clue why I even made and created these names in the first place here.......And of course, almost half of these parody mascots here have similar vibes from both HHS and JJS!!!!!
Like parody siblings, being best friends, becoming brothers and sisters together, loving with each other, and a whole lot more!!!!! And of course, more future updates like this one right here will sure to be all created and everything!!!!! Have to course, cut this short because of you know....Work and everything!!!! So yeah folks, see you all next time!!!!!! #TheseNatJJs10!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!!! #SeriesOneOfDDS #ParodyMascotsOf2024!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!!!!!
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