Vive Nights at Freddy's: A VR Fan-Remake
6 years ago

Things to talk about!

A lot of stuff has been happening lately in the world of FNAF! I’m sure just about everyone here is aware by now that an official FNAF VR game, Help Wanted, will be coming out THIS MONTH! I’m as excited as any of you, if not moreso, to see what a professional team can do to bring so many animatronics to life in VR!

One question a lot of you have (especially since it’s been so long since I’ve updated anything) is what will happen to VNAF? And for that matter, why has it taken so long to update when I said I was working on it months ago? Well, there are a combination of factors there: three major components of my project, Unity, SteamVR, and VRTK, all had major releases or were on the verge of big updates that would be massively beneficial for me to use, but that required a lot of new learning and rebuilding certain things from the ground up… and I had just finished rebuilding everything else from the ground up for the Halloween update, so that was pretty daunting.

But more than that, knowing that an official VR game was just around the corner, a lot of my motivation to bring FNAF to VR was waning. It’s hard to want to work on a fangame when you know that your work could be rightfully eclipsed by an official product. However, more and more is being revealed about Help Wanted, and it’s becoming apparent that while the official game does a lot of things very similarly to VNAF, there are also a lot of differences! And there are a lot of plans that I have for VNAF that don’t seem to be present in HW (that we’ve seen, anyways).

So taking all of that into account, the current plan is this: We should all be getting super excited about Help Wanted. I’m going to keep working on VNAF, but I don’t plan to release anything until a while after Help Wanted comes out, to make sure I’m not somehow competing with it. And more importantly, I’m gonna be playing the heck out of HW and watching everyone’s videos of it, so that I can make sure my own game grows into something that is distinct and stands on its own as a fangame, and doesn’t just look like a free ripoff of the official game.

All of that said… keep watching this space, because I do have plans for when Help Wanted comes out…



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